Health in Romania
- Prahova Salt Mine (Slanic Prahova) is the largest salt mine in Europe that is opened to the public. At this moment, the mine is not used for industrial purposes but for touristic and medical ones.
People come here all the year round to visit the impressive galleries carved in salt. Leaving aside the beauty of the place, this salt mine is also known for having a healing role in treating some respiratory infections.
The road to the salt mine is not impressive and not even the road to the core of the mountain, but once you have stepped through the gates of it, another world seems to uncover in front of your eyes. It took me over five minutes to get used to the massive galleries.
The first excavations in the Salt Mountain of Prahova are pinned by historical documents in the year 1685. The mining continued since then until 1972. The galleries are over 55 meters high, greater than the the hight of the Statue of Liberty without it’s foundation.
There are 14 rooms where you can stroll inside the mine on a surface of 78 square meters. 2,9 millions of cubic solid measure metered were excavated to reveal the great galleries.
The temperature is constant of 13 degrees celsius and the air humidity of 60%.
In one of the rooms, tourists can see a bust of Decebal the last king of the Dacians, the ancestors of the Romanian people. On the other side of the room you can also see tha bust of Traian, the roman emperor who managed to conquer the land of the Dacians. Traian and Decebal are considered to be the founders of the Romanian people.
Surrounding these busts there are some ornamental carvings that are carved in salt with Dacian and Roman motifs. Other busts in these salt galleries are of Mihai Viteazul, one of the most respected kings of Romania and one of Mihai Eminescu the most known poet of Romania.
Inside of this great mine, there are organized spaces for sportive activities and competitions. There are also leisure spaces for people who come here for therapeutic reasons. The air in the mine is exceptionally good for breathing problems and also for those who suffer from rheumatic impairment.
Therapy in the Salt Mine
Salt has been known as a powerful health remedy since ancient times, especially for respiratory health and detoxification. In many ways, these two functions are the foundation of overall health.
Speleotherapy originated in Poland in the 1950s, when medical providers noticed that salt miners rarely suffered from tuberculosis.
More details on touristinromania
From a simple cave, an old but unknown salt mine, Turda Salt Mine has become in a few years a reference point on the tourist map of Cluj County and of Romania, being ranked by CNN as the world’s second underground place in terms of attractiveness, and placed by several foreign publications among top destinations of this kind.

Photos taken by Marius POPESCU / AGERPRES ARCHIVE
Lately, the number of tourists who visit it has increased exponentially — some 370,000 annually — and, at least in the past year, the number of foreign visitors has exceeded that of Romanian tourists. Since its modernization, in 2010, and until today, Turda Salt Mine has been visited by almost two million tourists.
Turda’s Mayor Tudor Stefanie told AGERPRES that the success has been unexpected and now, thanks to Turda Salt Mine, the town is re-orienting economically, going from a bankrupt and polluting industry to a thriving tourist activity.
“The salt mine, as a tourist attraction, has existed since 1992, but back then it was visited by very few tourists. But it has become an attractive project because there were also sources of external funding, European funds. Also, after a study made by us and by specialists in tourism promotion, as well by our strategy promoted in 2004, the salt mine was the main objective to focus on in order to develop Turda from a tourism viewpoint. We aimed at a project to capitalize on the salt and all areas in Turda with spa potential, but we have never thought this project dear to our heart of a group of people, started in 2005 and completed in 2010, will get such a tourist importance,” Tudor Stefanie underscored.
The investment made so far in Turda Salt Mine amounts to six million euros. Of the six million euros, only one million euros was from the local budget, an amount recouped from the profit made in only the first two years of operation, 2010-2011. More important is the fact that the town and its economy have a successful development direction, after the big factories of yesteryear have left Turda with high unemployment.
“It is a project that has re-launched Turda among national towns—and, as you can see, also among international ones. It is a project around which many economic activities, tourist services, public food services are developing, which means that Turda has created its future on this objective, which was not even very expensive — only six million euros, through which we draw at least 370,000 visitors annually, with a year-on-year increase. One million euros was from the local budget and in 2010-2011 that one million euros was made from the profit. Before, Turda accounted for 30% of the GDP of the county, due to the industry developed here: chemical, glass, cement, Electroceramica etc. After the 1990s, the very high shrinkage of the industrial activity and because it was a polluting, inhospitable industry, prompted us to re-focus on other strategic elements to promote the town of Turda. God gave us this natural wealth at Turda. From a spa standpoint, the mud, the saline water and the air in the salt mine can be used. Forced also by the undeveloped industry, we have found other promotion sources, and we have managed to keep this town also from an economic and social standpoint,” explains Mayor Tudor Stefanie.
Currently, Turda Salt Mine has become a model for other salt mines in the country and abroad, and it also collaborates with other salt mines in other countries. The main purpose of these collaborations is the drawing, through joint projects, of other European funds.
“There is a European association of salt mines in which we have a representative in the management of this associative form, with Turda being one of the main associated members. We have joined also to gain experience, but we also want to do joint projects on the new sources of EU funding in 2014-2020, so that we have greater opportunities to get funding and promote each other in terms of what we think it is necessary. We collaboration projects with salt mines in Ukraine, Poland, Germany, and even in Turkey. The salt mine is appreciated, given that, at least in the past year, the number of foreign visitors has exceeded that of Romanian ones. I recommend that all who have such natural riches given by God capitalise on them. Many salt mines have taken from our experience and currently also Praid has developed certain activities, Slanic Moldova as well,” says Tudor Stefanie.
But the efforts made by the municipality and the salt mine’s management do not stop strictly at the tourism and leisure tourism part, but target also another very important direction — spa tourism, because, in some respects, the air here has unique therapeutic qualities in Romania.
“We have had a project on which specialists from Poland collaborated. We have worked with several specialists from the field of salt mines in Europe, and that is why I think it is a well-promoted objective. You can see that, also in terms of the spa treatment, the salt mine can become a potential competitor on the market for spa treatment for respiratory ways. We have the results of the tests made by several specialists and, it seems that in terms of the wet air, the salt mine is unique in the country, and it will be promoted also in terms of balneology,” mentions Tudor Stefanie.
Under the 2014-2020 Regional Development Plan of Turda, the investments in the Turda Salt Mine area would continue in order to diversify services and increase economic activity.
According to the document, the plans so far include designing a spa complex in the area of Lake Durgau, designing Rudolf Mine, in which an amphitheater with 80 seats was built, installing some modern elevators for visitors, designing Terezia Mine, where boat rides can be taken on the underground salt lake. Also built have been a treatment room, a church, miniature golf and bowling courses, a sports ground and a large wheel that takes tourists to the ceiling of the salt mine. The same document around the salt mine there are development plans for a luxury spa resort, with 3-, 4—and 5-star hotels, but also with a skating rink, a horse track and a golf course. A hotel resort, called “Salt Flower” would be intended for the luxury category, and other accommodation units in the area would be for the general public.
Turda Salt Mine has been explicitly attested since 1271, in a document issued by the Hungarian Chancellery, although it seems that salt exploitation in the area had been done long before.
The salt mine is placed in a salt deposit covering an area of around 45 square kilometers, and the average thickness of the salt is some 250 metres. It is composed of several galleries.
The Franz Iozef Gallery, built between 1853 and 1870, is a horizontal gallery designed to ease and cheapen the cost of transporting the salt to the surface. At its end, it had 780 meters, but at the end of the 19th century it was extended by another 137 metres. From 1948 to 1992, it was used as a cheese storage place.
The Rudolf Mine is a trapezoidal extraction hall begun in 1867. On the north wall, stalactites of salt formed over the years, due to water infiltration, and when these reach a length of around three metres, they break because of their own the weight. On the walls of the mine one can see traces of manual cutting of salt, left by chisel, ax or pickaxe.
The Terezia Mine is a bell mine with a depth of 90 metres from the balcony and 112 metres from the surface. On its bed there is an underground lake of 4 to 8-metre deep and 70 meters in diameter, and a 5-metre tall salt island. Also, on the north wall there is a cascade of salt.
In 1857, a new mine was opened that was to be similar to the Rudolf Mine. The mine was named Ghizela. Until stopping the exploitation in Turda Salt Mine, only preparatory works were performed in Ghizela Mine and since 1932, when Turda Salt Mine was closed, Ghizela Mine has remained in the state it is today.
After salt extraction was stopped in 1932, Turda Salt Mine was aimed to various activities. Among other things, during the World War II, it was used by the population as a bomb shelter, and during 1948-1992, a part of it was used as a cheese storage place.AGERPRES
The Techirghiol Spa and Sanatorium (SBRT), which in June 2014 celebrated its 115th anniversary, is an oasis of hope for body and mind wellness where more than 14,000 patients a year come.

The beneficial health effects of the stimulating local climate, of sapropel, of water rich in chlorine, sodium and iodine as well as the professionalism of the medical staff make the sanatorium, which has a capacity of nearly 1,000 beds, to be fully occupied throughout the year, except December and January.
‘Approximately 2% of the Romanian population have visited us. There is a rising trend in the number of patients. The sanatorium meets the same conditions as any another similar unit in Europe. Over 10 million euros have been invested in recent years in improving services and raising the comfort level, using our equity and funds from the Ministry of Health. Wings A and B are refurbished and modernised, and we hope to complete all rehabilitation projects for the entire premises,’ SBRT Manager Vasilica Rusu told Agerpres.
According to medical director Elena Ionescu, most of the patients from other countries seeking the medical services provided to the Techirghiol Sanatorium come from Russia, Israel and the European Union, some of which are Romanians settled abroad.
‘We are always turning down patients because we do not have enough beds. Appointments are made long before for chronic patients, but we keep a few beds for acute patients. (…) Patients are scheduled by their physicians,’ said Elena Ionescu.
According to her, the main conditions that can be treated successfully at Techirghiol are musculoskeletal, rheumatic, inflammatory and posttraumatic conditions, as well as conditions of the respiratory tract, dermatological, neurological and gynaecological conditions.
‘We are glad to see that, from year to year, the Techirghiol Sanatorium turns into a meeting ground for increasingly more Romanians and foreigners. (…) Things are going on so fast, both as far as the infrastructure of the sanatorium is concerned and as far as the scientific and medical components are concerned, that we barely cope with the changes. (…) The mud is in a perfect condition and we discover increasingly more interactions between it and the health of the body,’ said the doctor, adding that research is being conducted to demonstrate the anti-aging value of the Techirghiol mud.
As far as the conditions for which a SBRT treatment is contraindicated are concerned, Ionescu gave as an example the cardio-vascular pathology, stating that ‘all the patients of the sanatorium are seen by a doctor before starting any treatment, in order to exclude all risks.’
Increasingly more young people have been among the patients of the sanatorium in the recent years, and one explanation for the situation does not exclude the fact that the youth get sick because they no longer exercise and they spend too much time in front of computers.
‘The largest share of the patients is made up of the elderly, but as the years pass the percentage is reversed. Increasingly more young people come to the sanatorium. (…) Maybe the young people understand the need for disease prevention or maybe they come because they no longer exercise, have a sedentary lifestyle, sit at the computer too much and get sick. (…) I think there is a balance between the two aspects,’ argued the medical director of the sanatorium.
Because there are patients who arrive at the Techirghiol Spa and Sanatorium without being able to move on their own and leave ‘on their own feet,’ as representatives of the sanatorium claim, several dozen of these people have donated to the sanatorium their wheelchairs, crutches, and canes that were used and were no longer needed. Thus, the idea of establishing a museum of wheelchairs inside the sanatorium came to life.
‘The Techirghiol Sanatorium has a museum of wheelchairs, crutches, canes, various walking aids, a museum set up using donations from the patients who have gone home without needing them anymore. (…) The museum is not active now. (…) The patients donated them as a token of gratitude for the fact that we healed them and in order to help other patients with the wheelchairs and the walking aids,’ said the SBRT representatives.
About the Techirghiol sapropel mud, former Health Minister Vasile Cepoi said that this natural healing resource is in danger of decay.
‘In my opinion, yes, it is in danger. Because I saw they started building very close to the lake, which can change a number of natural factors such as air and water streams and lead to mud degradation. That is why I was saying that clearer legislation is needed on defence premises for areas with natural healing factors. (…) There is a Government project, an inter-ministerial group that I coordinate, set up last year and taking care exactly of this issue. We are going to release a strategy from which to issue subsequent pieces of legislation conducive to solving many problems, one of which is this. It is not the Techirghiol alone, but all the spa resorts,’ said Cepoi.
According to him, Techirghiol is a reference for the internationally recognised healing properties of the natural factors in the coastal zone, but health tourism in Romania is not stimulated.
‘Health tourism needs to be stimulated, given that before 1990 Romania was 14th to 15th in the world rankings, while currently it is no longer in any ranking. When it comes to health tourism, the tourist component should be developed, because, for example in Techirghiol, the medical component is well represented, but unfortunately, tourism is not well represented. Recreational tourism in health tourism has a number of particularities and, on the one hand, tranquillity has to be observed, but on the other hand the desire for relaxation and entertainment should also be kept in mind. Authorities and investors should think about this because only this way will Techirghiol become a magnet not only for Romanian, but also for foreigners,’ said Cepoi
The Legend of Techir tells the story of how the healing properties of the mud in Lake Techirghiol were discovered.
Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, a crippled and blind old man named Techir, left only with his donkey, one day happened on the mud of Techirghiol Lake that had attracted mainly his donkey. The old man struggled for hours to get out of the foul smelling mud but his stubborn donkey would not budge. Once they came out of the mud, Techir realised that his eyes could perceive light again and his legs, helpless for a long time, started to obey him. At the same time, the ugly wounds on the donkey’s back had healed and its body became visibly nimbler. The news that the mud in Lake Techirghiol would be miraculous spread quickly, and upon hearing what miracle had happened to Techir and his donkey, people started coming in droves to Techirghiol to bathe in the mud for healing. AGERPRES
Health tourism in Bistrita-Nasaud County has a tradition of four centuries, with the Sangeorz-Bai spa on the upper portion of the Somesul Mare River, nearly 50 km away from the city of Bistrita, having been a favourite holiday destination for many Romanians until 25 years ago.

Sangeorz-Bai Spa Complex
Photo credit: (c) Tina TUCUI / AGERPRES ARCHIVE
In the meantime, the absence of substantial investment in the tourist accommodation infrastructure has led to a decrease in the number of tourists at Sangeorz from one year to the other. Yet the Baile Figa spa, opened on a European investment four years ago near the town of Beclean, 40 km away from the county capital, has caught up with it.
* The town of Sangeorz-Bai became a spa town in the 17th century. It possesses sparkling mineral water springs rich in chloride, sodium, calcium and magnesium, as well as mineral mud and mofette.
The Sangeorz-Bai mineral water is said to rival in properties the springs of Vichy (France) and Karlovy Vary (the Czech Republic), and it is in high demand for treating digestive tract diseases, hepato-biliary diseases, nutritional and metabolic diseases, as well as rheumatic diseases. The spa is equipped with electrotherapy and hydrotherapy installations for inhalations, warm mineral mud wraps, paraffin wraps, medical gymnastics and fitness halls.
Sangeorz-Bai’s fame as a holiday destination is proved by the existence of two local hotels of 900 places and 600 places, respectively. Only some decades ago, they would be full to capacity and they were the picture postcard examples for the tourists that would come here for treatment or relaxation.
Besides the two hotels, guesthouses and villas have also been built, but the number of tourists here has plummeted so much that in wintertime the two big hotels either barely operate or place their employees on short work.
The town’s mayor, Roland Venig, says the number of tourists barely stays below 5,000 a year, most of whom are pensioners coming on treatment tickets and students spending their summer holiday at the Sangeorz-Bai camp, the only operational camp in the entire county. That is why the local administration barely collects anything of the accommodation taxes, because pensioners and students are exempt from such tax.
The Sangeorz-Bai Mayoralty has nevertheless got European funds to rehabilitate the town’s support infrastructure for the development and improvement of tourist activities under a project jointly conducted with the town of Turda, Cluj County, that was completed in 2012. Ten streets leading to the town’s landmarks were modernised, along with the alleys in the spa’s park and related parking lots and street furniture, while water supply and sewage works as well as public lighting were improved.
* Whereas the current owners of the hotels at Sangeorz-Bai have no intention of investing the necessary amounts in restarting health tourism there, at Figa, administratively belonging to the town of Beclean, a spa resort came into existence that manages to attract 25 times more tourists than Sangeorz-Bai does. The Figa spa resort was established under a regional infrastructure project for economic and social cohesion, the PHARE 2004-2006 programme, alongside the spa resorts of Baile Cojocna and Ocna Dej of Cluj County. The overall objective of the project was improving regional infrastructure for economic growth by establishing a favourable framework that would attract local and foreign investors.
Opening of Figa spa resort
Photo credit: (c) Tina TUCUI / AGERPRES ARCHIVE
The Figa investment, five km away from the town of Beclean, opened in June 2010. The design of Baile Figa cost nearly 1.9 million euros, one million euros of which were European funds, and the construction works comprised sport fields, therapy centres, camping lots, saltwater and freshwater swimming pools, a mud pool, an indoor swimming pool, playgrounds for children, access ways and pedestrian alleys. The tourist potential of the spa includes therapeutic water springs rich in chlorine and sodium and saltwater mud, which is particularly efficient in treating peripheral nervous system disorders, diseases of the locomotor apparatus and female genitalia.
In the autumn of 2010, preparations started for the construction of a small aqualand with three water toboggans, a project that qualified for 500,000 euros in European funds and that was completed in two years’ time. When the summer season 2011 started, the spa added a new saltwater lake to its offerings, which maximum depth is four metres, and a leisure ground called the Lazy River, a place where tourists can relax on floats.
Photo credit: (c) Tina TUCUI / AGERPRES ARCHIVE
Tourists coming to Baile Figa this year will be met with new surprises. Beclean Mayor Nicolae Moldovan says a new 500-sq.m. lake has been created, salinity of the existing saltwater swimming pools has been increased, the beach area has been extended by 500 chaise-longues to the previously existing 1,500, new rest rooms have been created and more shower stalls.
Moreover, tourist accommodation is said to no longer be a problem. While in the beginning, the only accommodation facilities were the hotels and guesthouses of Beclean, four years later now cabins, guesthouses and a camping lot have sprung up, all private investments.
Some 1,000 accommodation places are thus secured, says Mayor Moldovan, adding that still the number of people arriving at Baile Figa, both local and tourists, is 130,000 a year.
Photo credit: (c) Tina TUCUI / AGERPRES ARCHIVE
Close to the Baile Figa spa complex covering 15 hectares, a 3,000-year-old abandoned salt mine has been discovered. The area is located in a depression crossed by the Paraul Sarat stream, on which banks many traces of decommissioned salt mining settlements were found. Diggings have unearthed special wood implements used for mining salt, stone mining hammers, wood fences and structures and a well in the entrance area of the salt mine flanked by overlapping massive beams, most likely dating back to the second period of the Iron Age. The local archaeological site is currently considered to be the oldest and most important saliferous site in South-Eastern Europe, and efforts are being made to capitalise on it, including for tourist purposes. AGERPRES
O minune vindecătoare
Ciuperca lui Dumnezeu
O ciupercă pretenţioasă
Daniela a absolvit Facultatea de Drept la Universitatea „Transilvania“. Pe cînd era în anul III, a aflat de un seminar pe teme de management, susţinut de către Jaque Uyama. Din vorbă în vorbă, a acceptat să intre în domeniul comerţului cu produse nipone. După trei luni, în care a prins şi ceva japoneză, i s-a propus să lucreze în Tokio. Şapte ani a petrecut în capitala Japoniei, „cu muncă de dimineaţa pînă seara şi armată curată la serviciu“. Aici a aflat despre ciuperca lui Dumnezeu, pe care Uyama o cultivă în 19 ferme, o prelucrează şi o trimite în clinicile de oncologie din toată lumea, inclusiv în Japonia, ţara cu cel mai mic număr de bolnavi de cancer sau diabet. „Este o ciupercuţă obişnuită, dar cu proprietăţi extraordinare. Fermele sînt la peste 1.000 metri altitudine, pămîntul e îmbunătăţit doar cu îngrăşăminte de cal sălbatic. Locurile sînt alese astfel încît să plouă mărunt în fiecare seară, iar temperaturile să se încadreze între 18-25 grade Celsius. Un teren odată cultivat, nu se mai foloseşte 7 ani“, explică braşoveanca.
Fără contraindicaţii
Totul e prelucrat manual, motiv pentru care rezultatele tratamentului cu această ciupercă cultivată la ferme sînt mai bune decît cele similare, dar procesate mecanic. Tocmai de aceea,
procesul tehnologic este foarte scump. Plus că, de-a lungul etapelor, se fac zeci de seturi de analize. Ciuperca este fărîmată şi transformată în pulbere care e ambalată în pliculeţe. Aceste prafuri se găsesc şi la noi, la Plafar, de cînd le-a adus Daniela. Costă mult, dar şi efectele sînt pe măsură. Ce trebuie să ştim despre Ciuperca lui Dumnezeu? În forma comercializată, denumită Bio-Active MC, reprezintă un supliment alimentar care poate fi luat în paralel cu alte tratamente. Nu are contraindicaţii, doar un uşor efect laxativ şi gust sălciu, considerat neplăcut de către unele persoane. Se dizolvă conţinutul plicului într-un pahar cu apă şi se bea cu înghiţituri mici. Evident, bolnavilor alergici la ciuperci nu li se recomandă tratamentul cu această ciupercă. Produsul este avizat de către Institutul de Bioresurse Umane din România.
Stopează înmulţirea celulelor canceroase
Ciuperca Agaricus Blazei Murill are 120 de elemente, fiind bogată în proteine, vitamine şi minerale. De asemenea, conţine şase tipuri de steroizi (cerebusterol şi ergosterol) care ajută la oprirea creşterii numărului de celule canceroase. La testul HeLa (oprirea multiplicării celulelor), pentru care s-a folosit un ţesut afectat de cancer uterin, o cantitate foarte mică de steroizi (10-30 ppm) a oprit celulele canceroase să se multiplice. De asemenea, diminuează efectele secundare ale chimioterapiei şi radioterapiei, determinînd o creştere considerabilă a imunităţii organismului. Prin urmare, sînt eliminate stările de vomă, lipsa poftei de mîncare, oboseala, lipsa de energie şi, ce este mai important, terapiile, sub influenţa ciupercii minune, devin mai eficiente de 3 pînă la 7 ori. Aceste rezultate sînt înregistrate de către Asociaţia Japoneză de Cancer şi Asociaţia Farmaceutică Japoneză. Aceste instituţii au constatat încă de la primele studii, din 1994, că Agaricus Blazei Murill sporeşte imunitatea şi, spre deosebire de alte ciuperci terapeutice, efectul anti-tumoră este de 100%.
Remediu pentru diabet
În ceea ce priveşte efectul anti-cancer, testele de la Facultatea de Medicină a Universităţii Tokyo şi alte centre de cercetare din Japonia, au arătat că rata involuţiei complete a maladiei este de 90% în cazul Ciupercii lui Dumnezeu, performanţă neatinsă de nicio altă ciupercă folosită în terapii. Prin conţinutul de beta-glucan, ciuperca ajută la inhibarea celulelor canceroase şi fortifică organismul. Prelungeşte astfel viaţa, celulele maligne fiind stopate din evoluţie. Mai mult, are rol profilactic, prevenind apariţia cancerului. Polizaharidele şi acidul ribonucleic complex stimulează producţia de insulină prin vitalizarea funcţiei pancreasului datorită aportului de aminoacizi şi zinc. Astfel ciuperca este de ajutor în tratamentul diabetului. Acizii graşi nesaturaţi, grăsimile şi mineralele din conţinutul ciupercii, reglează tonusul vascular şi presiunea sangvină, inhibă vasoconstricţia, protejează vasele sangvine, previne ateroscleroza, are efect diuretic.
Reduce durerile de orice fel
Ciuperca Agaricus Blazei Murill are un conţinut bogat în vitamine D, cu rol în absorbţia calciului.
Stimulează producţia osoasă prin ergosterol, motive pentru care e considerată un remediu excelent în osteoporoză. Contribuie la sporirea imunităţii, tratînd alergiile cutanate, reglează secreţia tiroidiană şi a gonadelor.
Mai e cunoscută ca o ciupercă utilă în bolile reumatismale cronice. Beta-D-glucan stimulează producţia de interferon propriu, de aceea ciuperca are rol protector împotriva virusului hepatic. Prin vitamina B12, acid folic, fier, cupru, cobalt, triptofan, ciuperca stimulează producţia de globule roşii. S-a mai constatat că este un puternic detoxifiant, favorizează absorbţia intestinală, stimulează transmisia nervoasă şi activitatea sistemului nervos central, reglează contracţia musculară, ajută regenerarea capilară şi epitelială.
Cazurile în care Ciuperca lui Dumnezeu şi-a dovedit cu prisosinţă calităţile curative sînt: cancerul de sîn, de colon, de ficat, plămîni, pancreas, iar în faze foarte avansate, readuce pofta de mîncare, buna dispoziţie şi ameliorează durerile pînă cînd bolnavul nu mai are nevoie de morfină.
3 grame pentru sănătatea ta
Produsul numit Bio-Active MC se prezintă sub formă de plicuri cu pulbere, conţinînd 100% extract de Agaricus Blazei Murill. Fiecare doză are 3 grame. „Fiind un supliment nutritiv, nu există o doza fixă de administrare. Se recomandă totuşi 1-2 doze zilnic, în funcţie de starea de sănătate a fiecărei persoane. De exemplu, 1-2 doze pentru ridicarea imunităţii, 3 doze pentru afecţiuni grave. Şi de la prima doză apar efecte. Dacă sîntem răciţi, după două ore vom observa că nu ne mai curge nasul sau nu ne mai doare capul“, explică Daniela. Persoanele care suferă de eczeme, puncte dureroase, somnolenţă sînt primele care vor constata îmbunătăţiri după primele 2-3 zile. Acest supliment nu trebuie să înlocuiască tratamentul prescris de medic. Pe Daniela, ciuperca-minune a ajutat-o şi să rămînă însărcinată. Apoi, a consumat ciuperca şi în timpul sarcinii şi după naştere. Oricum, în familia ei, toată lumea consumă suplimentul, de la mic la mare.
Ciuperca lui Reagan
• La începutul anilor 1970, doi cercetători americani de la Universitatea de Stat din Pensylvania, vizitînd Brazilia, au descoperit că, în zona Piedade, populaţia era nu numai extrem de sănătoasă, dar şi longevivă, numărul celor care depăşeau vîrsta de 100 de ani fiind neobişnuit de mare. Aceşti oameni se hrăneau în principal cu ciuperca Agaricus Blazei Murill, cunoscută local sub denumirea de Cogmelo de Dios sau ciuperca zeilor. După mai multe studii ştiinţifice care demonstrau efectul ciupercii asupra tensiunii arteriale şi cancerului, Agaricus Blazei Murill a ajuns să fie utilizată în clinici. Printre pacienţii care au beneficiat de efectele ei terapeutice s-a numărat şi preşedintele american Ronald Reagan care a folosit ciuperca după operaţia de cancer de colon.
Formula sănătăţii
• Ciuperca Agaricus Blazei Murill are calităţi nutritive şi terapeutice care o situează deasupra altor ciuperci:
– cel mai mare nivel de proteine (46,2%, faţă de media de 43%)
– cel mai înalt nivel de carbohidraţi non-fibroşi (38%)
– conţine mai mult acid glutamic decît alte ciuperci Agaricus de pe piaţă.
– conţine (la 100 grame): 359Kcal, 10,5 g proteine, 0,5 g grăsimi, 68,1 g carbohidraţi.
Acţiuni învinse de o ciupercă
– ulcer duodenal, hepatociroză, hipertrofie a ficatului, cancer la ficat, cancer gastric, gastrită, ulcer gastric, constipaţii, stomatite cronice, polipi, hepatita B, cancer rectal, cancer la colon sigmoidian
– hipo- şi hipertensiune arterială, cardiopatie, tromboză cerebrală, hemiplegie, pneumonie, septicemie, leucemie, limfogranulom malign, boala Hodgkin, boala Basedow, cancer pulmonar
– mastite, cancer mamar, cancer uterin, cancer ovarian, cancer cervical, dereglări cauzate de menopauză
– diabet, reumatism articular cronic, ataxie autonomă, nevroză
– cistită, nefrită, insuficienţă renală, nefroză
– dermatofitoză, eczeme, dermatite atipice
– dureri de umăr, distrofii musculare, mahmureală, artrită, gripă
Undeva intre cer si pamant, unde puritatea aerului iti inunda plamanii, poti sa ai revelatia ca nimic nu te mai salveaza, in afara de aceasta ciuperca! Ca sa ajungi la o ferma din Japonia, unde creste Ciuperca lui Dumnezeu, e musai sa urci pe varf de munte, la altitudini ametitoare. Si cand te numesti Daniela Cismaru-Inescu, vii din Romania si, pe deasupra, esti o fiinta zdrobitor de timida, poti sa crezi ca este o minune faptul ca destinul te-a luat de mana si ti-a facilitat o intalnire cu vindecarea – o alternativa pentru aproape toate problemele de sanatate. Acolo, pe varf de munte, esti atat de aproape de Dumnezeu, incat ai senzatia ca poti atinge stelele cu mana si cerul nu este decat o perdea de matase. Trebuie doar s-o dai la o parte, ca sa vezi privirea Creatorului. Numai la altitudini de peste 1.000 de metri poate creste aceasta ciuperca, numita stiintific Agaricus Blazei Murill. Conditii fara de care ciuperca nu creste! In fata plantatiei, ai sentimentul a milioane de entitati mici si inteligente, care au misiunea de a ingloba cat mai mult din seva pamantului, dar si din energiile universului. Apoi, ca un gest suprem, sa se dea ele insele pentru binele omului. Am senzatia ca acest lucru este un fel de jertfa suprema. Ca si cum ciupercutele acestea ar trai pentru ca omul sa fie fericit si sanatos. Plantatiile sunt supravegheate si ingrijite de fermieri bine instruiti. Ciuperca este delicata, are nevoie de anumiti factori de mediu pentru a creste. Pentru ca secatuieste pamantul de toata seva, in fiecare an este cultivata pe alte parcele, revenind la locul initial de-abia peste 3-4 ani. Fermierii le culeg, le spala, apoi le asaza pe niste dispozitive special amenajate. Procesul de uscare continua intr-o camera special incalzita, chiar daca afara sunt 25 de grade. Tratamentul acesta dureaza de la cateva zile pana la o saptamana, in functie de necesitate. Sunt transportate cu cea mai mare grija la fabrica, unde sunt transformate in microcapsule (odata ajunsa in organismul nostru, microcapsula se desface pana la cea mai mica molecula, practic infloreste) sau sunt ambalate in pliculete sub forma de praf. Chiar si 3 grame din acest praf de ciuperca sunt suficiente pentru inregistrarea unei schimbari in organism. Conditiile de dezvoltare sunt, printre altele: temperatura inalta, umiditate crescuta, aer purificat, ploi marunte seara si un sol ce contine excremente de cal salbatic. Fara toate aceste conditii nu creste! Ciuperca este un supliment alimentar si poate fi luata in paralel cu alte tratamente. Are un bogat continut de proteine, vitamine si minerale; sase tipuri de steroizi cu rol de stopare a cresterii numarului de celule canceroase. De asemenea, diminueaza efectele secundare ale chimioterapiei si radioterapiei, determinand o crestere considerabila a imunitatii organismului. Prin urmare, sunt eliminate starile de voma, lipsa poftei de mancare, oboseala, lipsa energiei si, ce este mai important, terapiile, sub influenta ciupercii minune, devin mai eficiente de 3 pana la 7 ori. Raspunsuri de “bun-simti “In cele mai importante momente ale vietii mele, a plouat!i, spune Daniela. Parintii au inscris-o la facultate in Brasov, nu in Bucuresti, considerand ca nu este prea descurcareata. Nu puteau ghici ca fata lor cea timida va vedea toata lumea si va ajunge in locuri pe care nici nu indraznea sa le viseze. Era studenta in ultimul an cand i s-a oferit sansa unui loc de munca la o firma japoneza, care avea sa-i lege destinul pentru totdeauna de Agaricus Blazei Murill – Ciuperca minune. Totul a inceput cu un curs la care, pana sa ajunga, a intampinat o serie de obstacole: a pierdut microbuzul; ploua torential si vantul i-a luat umbrela – evident ca, din aceasta cauza, a si intarziat: “Am ajuns murata la acel curs!i, isi aminteste. Apoi, cand a aflat ca firma respectiva ofera locuri de munca, si-a depus CV-ul. In ziua primului interviu… ploua! Isi uitase umbrela acasa si, pe drumul pietruit pe care trebuia sa mearga, aluneca atat de des ca, sub influenta ploii si a emotiei interviului, lacrimile nu au mai putut fi oprite. Ajunsa in sfarsit, cu sufletul tremurand, odata intrata in camera de asteptare, s-a impiedicat de incaltarile gazdei, peste care a si cazut, spre distractia celor prezenti. Se facuse linste in sala, dar si in sufletul ei: “Mai bine ma duc acasa… am pierdut sigur!i Cel cu care avea interviul era un domn de vreo 62 de ani, evident japonez, cu perciuni mari si parul carunt, care ii analiza toate gesturile si cuvintele. O adevarata tortura psihica pentru o fiinta atat de sensibila. Pe masura ce intrebarile curgeau, bataile inimii se accelerau, iar singurul lucru de care-si mai aminteste acum este faptul ca domnul japonez a considerat ca raspunsurile ei sunt “de bun-simti. Pana sa primeasca postul, a mai trecut prin 5 interviuri si… la toate a plouat! “Daca nu merge, iti iei ciuperca si ma lasi!i La doar o saptamana dupa angajare, o veste trista avea sa-i dea viata peste cap: moartea tatalui. A fost prima lectie cu adevarat dura si de neinteles, pe care viata i-o punea in fata: “Am constientizat ca succesul meu la firma respectiva isi ceruse tributul. Ca Dumnezeu iti da, dar iti si iai. Taraitul telefonului o opreste din povestit. O bolnava vrea sa stie amanunte despre Ciuperca-minune: “Stimata doamna, ciuperca contine 120 de elemente esentiale bunei functionari a organismului. Adica minerale, vitamine, aminoacizi. Pentru diabet si cancer va recomand 3 pliculete pe zi, dar, daca va simtiti mai bine, puteti reduce doza. A, daca luati, anuntati-ne si pe noi de rezultate!i. Apoi, cu o seninatate dulce in glas, reia firul povestii vietii sale. In niste imprejurari absolut misterioase isi pierde si mama, care intra in coma exact in ziua nuntii varului ei. Vine urgent in tara, dar degeaba. Din cauza acestei pierderi, propria nunta este amanata. Sa fi fost si aceasta o plata pentru marele ei succes international?! Ea crede ca da. Si nimeni nu poate sa-i schimbe aceasta idee… Daca tot nu a putut sa-si salveze persoanele cele mai dragi, s-a gandit ca poate sa-i salveze pe altii. La inceput a fost o cunostinta bolnava de diabet, care a incercat proprietatile terapeutice ale ciupercii miraculoase. Tanarul, de 30 de ani, a fost cam reticent si a replicat: “Uite, iau o saptamana sa-ti fac placerea, pe urma, iti iei ciuperca si ma lasi!i. Insa atat de bine a reactionat organismul sau, ca o suna in Japonia sa-i mai trimita. Testele aratau insanatosirea. In plus, fiind mai plinut, a slabit 30 de kilograme. Logica acestei scaderi in greutate este explicata prin faptul ca pliculetul, dizolvat intr-un pahar cu apa si consumat, da senzatia de stomac plin, asa incat persoana nu mai simte nevoia sa manance atat de mult. Spre surprinderea medicilor, organismul se echilibrase. Vazand rezultatele si testele medicale ulterioare, tatal tanarului, care avea la randul sau o problema mai veche cu diabetul, dar si o prostata marita, un nodul la rinichiul drept, probleme cu vederea, a inceput sa consume Ciuperca-minune. Aceasta a facut sa-i dispara nodulul, iar apatia fusese inlocuita cu o stare sufleteasca excelenta. Intre timp, cererile au crescut. Daniela s-a gandit serios la multimea de oameni bolnavi care ar putea fi ajutati… In toate cazurile pe care le-a urmarit cu atentie a constatat, spre surprinderea ei, ca efectele ciupercii sunt mult mai rapide la bolnavii din Romania… Lista efectelor clinice este alcatuita de Asociatia Japoneza de Cancer si Asociatia Farmaceutica Japoneza, care subliniaza ca aceasta ciuperca regleaza glicemia, in cazul persoanelor diabetice, amelioreaza osteoporoza, in cazul cancerelor blocheaza propagarea celulelor cancerigene, creste imunitatea organismului, are efect antitumoral, are efecte pozitive in cazul tuturor bolilor digestive etc. Doar persoanele alergice la ciuperci nu o pot consuma. Nu are reactii adverse, singurul inconvenient fiind acela ca are proprietati laxative. Daniela Cismaru-Inescu poate fi contactata la tel/fax: 0244/376.099; mobil: 0723.933.017.
Descarca prezentare aici
Autor Georgeta Istrate
Alimentele din meniul zilnic ar trebui sa contina multe vitaine, minerale si substante nutritive, dar sa fie sarace in grasimi saturate (“grasimi rele”) si alte substante toxice.
Unele alimente care fac parte din meniul zilnic al unor persoane dauneaza sanatatii si ii xpun pe consumatori la diverse tipuri de boli precum: diabet zaharat, ateroscleroza, obezitate, boli cardiovasculare, boli alergice si autoimune, scaderi ale capacitatii sistemului imunitar si asa mai departe.
Va prezentam mai jos cateva din alimentele consumate zilnic, cu potential nociv pentru sanatatea dumneavoastra.
Zaharul este consumat zilnic de foarte multe persoane sub diverse forme:
- zahar in ceai, cafea, lapte, limonada;
- sucuri din comert
- Dulciuri de orice fel
- Cereale fulgi cu ciocolata sau alte arome – cereale care nu sunt integrale etc.;
Zaharul predispne la multiple dezechilibre, de la cele endocrine la cele metabolice, putand duce la: scaderi ale sistemului imunitar, cndidoza, infectii ale tractului respirator, diabet etc.
Mezelurile sunt preparate prinm etode nu tocmai sanatoase, injectate cu diverse substante pentru a se mentine proaspete si au un continut de grasimi mult peste limita unei portii. De asemenea mezelurile au un continut prea ridicat de sare si de cele mai multe ori sunt facute din carne de porc. Carnea de porc este toxica, chiar si carnea slaba de porc, pentru ca pur si simplu metabolismul acestui animale este toxic pentru om. In plus carnea de porc este foarte bogata in grasimi saturate si creste “colesterolul rau”.
Astfel consumul de carne de porc si mezeluri poate conduce in timp la:
- obezitate
- Ateroscleroza;
- Boli cardiovasculare (boli de inima in special);
- Accidente vasculare, cerebrale, infarcte;
- Diabet zaharat de tip II;
- Afectiuni gastrointestinale;
- Constipatie etc.
Preparate prajite
Uleiul incins isi pierde proprietatile si se transforma in “otrava” pentru organism. Acesta ataca vasele, inima, creierul, dar si sistemul endocrin.
Astfel ca a consuma zilnic sau chiar si de cateva ori pe saptamana preparate prajite (inclusiv ceapa calita din mancaruri) creste riscul pentru:
- boli cardiovasculare,
- cancer,
- diabet,
- obezitate,
- infarcte,
- imbatranire precoce,
- tulburari endocrine,
- afectiuni ale tractului digestiv,
- accidente vasculare,
- ateroscleroza etc.
1. Mizati pe verde
Ceaiul verde este o bautura traditionala in China, tara care numara o multime de persoane trecute de 100 de ani. Cercetatorii de la “Medical College of Ohio” au descoperit, in 1997, ca pe langa antioxidantii pe care-i contine, ceaiul verde inhiba formarea si dezvoltarea celulelor canceroase.
2. Adoptati o pisica
Karen Allen, cercetator in medicina la Universitatea Buffalo (Statele Unite), afirma ca “pisica joaca rolul de tampon asupra efectelor patogene ale stresului”. O pisica in casa inseamna, deci, scaderea tensiunii arteriale si – ca urmare – si a riscurilor unei boli cardiace…
3. Descoperiti algele tineretii vesnice
Spirulina constituie, realmente, o sursa unica de oligoelemente si de acizi grasi esentiali, ale caror proprietati in prevenirea imbatranirii nu mai trebuie demonstrate… Rezultatul: o cura cu spirulina (capsule) aduce un surplus de tonus si de vitalitate.
4. Luati aspirina!
Aspirina nu mai este doar o arma impotriva febrei si a durerilor de cap. Conform studiilor efectuate de dr. Mary Beth Terry de la Universitatea Columbia din New York, folosirea regulata a acestui medicament in 747d321h doze minime (exista in farmacii aspirina ASPENTER de 75 mg) scade simtitor pericolul imbolnavirii de cancer mamar.
5. Imitati albinele
Si convertiti-va la… miere si polen. Un studiu recent efectuat intr-un spital din New York a demonstrat ca ele actioneaza pozitiv asupra colesterolului si a trigliceridelor. Este de retinut faptul ca speranta de viata la apicultori este superioara celei a populatiei in general.
6. Crutati-va partenerul (partenera) de viata
5% din cazurile de cancer pulmonar nu se datoreaza fumatului activ, ci celui pasiv, cand fumator este tovarasul de viata sau colegii de birou. Un studiu american a constatat o crestere cu 23% a mortalitatii coronariene la barbatii nefumatori, casatoriti cu femei fumatoare.
7. Tineti sub control tensiunea arteriala
Odata cu trecerea anilor, tensiunea arteriala afecteaza tot mai grav speranta de viata. Prevenirea ei se bazeaza pe punerea in practica a unor reguli de viata bine cunoscute: exercitiile fizice, regimul alimentar echilibrat, sare cu masura si – daca e necesar – reducerea excesului de greutate.
8. Beti apa cu paharul mare
Cercetatorii americani au demonstrat ca peste 5 pahare cu apa baute zi de zi reduc cu 60% riscul afectiunilor cardiace.
9. Atentie la insulina!
Hormon-cheie al metabolismului – adica al utilizarii energiei alimentare -, insulina accelereaza procesul de imbatranire, atunci cand este produsa in cantitate prea mare. Morala: zaharul putin va mentine tineri. Mancati miere!
10. Supravegheati-va ereditatea
Fiecare dintre noi este dotat cu o mostenire genetica pe care ar trebui sa o studiem indeaproape, pentru ca – adeseori – prezentam aceleasi predispozitii la o boala sau alta ca si parintii sau bunicii nostri.
11. Spalati-va pe maini
O igiena ireprosabila a mainilor (4 spalari pe zi) va permite sa contractati cu 25% mai putine guturaiuri si cu 50% mai putine gastroenterite, comparativ cu persoanele care se spala pe maini o singura data pe zi.
12. Faceti siesta
O echipa de cercetatori de la Universitatea din Boston a demonstrat ca o siesta facuta la mijlocul zilei poate face sa dispara semnele de oboseala a creierului si sa sporeasca performantele de memorie. Ei au constatat, de asemenea, o ameliorare cu 20% a capacitatii de invatare la persoanele care pot sa doarma in orele de pranz…
13. Evitati medicamentele combinate
Cardiacii care iau medicamente pentru inima, dar si aspirina, prezinta un risc de criza cardiaca cu 75% mai mare decat cei care evita aceasta combinatie – arata un studiu efectuat recent in Scotia pe 7000 de subiecti.
14. Inveliti-va
Conform unui studiu realizat la Universitatea din Lille, scaderea brusca de temperatura sporeste cu aproape 13% riscul unei crize cardiace.
15. Curatati tastatura calculatorului
Bacteriologii de la Universitatea Arizona au constatat ca aceasta contine – in medie – 25.000 de germeni microbieni, adica de 300 de ori mai mult decat colacul toaletei de la o institutie publica.
16. Testati unul din secretele sanatatii detinute de Kneipp: mergeti cu picioarele goale prin iarba udata de roua (atentie la viespi!). Acest pastor din secolul 19, precursor al terapiilor alternative, o facea in fiecare dimineata, pentru antrenarea rezistentei fizice…
17. Incercati homeopatia
Studiile tind sa demonstreze tot mai mult ca homeopatia face sa dispara numeroase simptome, mai ales cele ale fibromyalgiei, adica oboseala cronica, de care sufera 1-2% din totalul populatiei de pe glob.
18. Ciocniti paharele
Pentru dr. Leonard Guarant de la Institutul de tehnologie din Massachusetts, consumul zilnic de vin (maximum 3 pahare) prelungeste speranta de viata cu aproape 30%.
19. Limitati consumul de carne
De aproape 50 de ani, studiile epidemiologice atrag atentia oamenilor de stiinta asupra anumitor patologii cronice asociate consumului de carne. La modul ideal, un adult n-ar trebui sa ingereze mai mult de 120 g de carne de vita pe saptamana.
20.Votati cu otetul de mere
Utilizarea ca remediu a otetului de mere a fost popularizata de un medic american din Vermont, dr. Jarvis. Acesta a constatat longevitatea exceptionala a persoanelor care-l consumau si a inceput sa il prescrie pacientilor sai (in doze moderate) datorita virtutilor sale drenante.
21. Mancati ciocolata
Prestigiosul “British Medical Journal” a publicat recent un studiu efectuat pe 8000 de subiecti, demonstrand ca la cei care consumau o cantitate modesta de ciocolata (intre 1-3 tablete pe luna), riscul mortalitatii era mai scazut cu 36% decat la cei care nu consumau ciocolata deloc.
22. Nu neglijati usturoiul!
Dupa ce-au descoperit un numar foarte mare de centenari in comitatul Jinshan, specializat in cultura usturoiului, cercetatorii chinezi au ajuns la concluzia ca acesta prelungeste viata. Usturoiul are capacitatea de a reduce tensiunea arteriala.
23. Nuci, tofu si fasole
Cercetatorii din Toronto au descoperit faptul ca la persoanele care au introdus – timp de o luna -, in alimentatia lor obisnuita, nuci, tofu si fasole, nivelul colesterolului a scazut cu 30%.
24. Nu sariti peste micul dejun!
La persoanele care obisnuiesc sa manance dimineata, cazurile de obezitate sunt cu 44% mai putine decat la cele care se abtin.
25. Banane in fiecare zi
O banana pe zi aduce 400 mg de potasiu, care permite reducerea cu aproape 40% a riscului unui atac cardiac!
26. Nu uitati merele
La persoanele care cedeaza in mod regulat tentatiei de a musca dintr-un mar, riscurile unor boli cardiace sunt cu 30% mai mici decat la persoanele care rezista acestei tentatii.
27. Salata la ordinea zilei
Foile de salata verde contin luteina, o substanta din familia carotenoidelor, niste antioxidanti puternici. Luteina pare – astfel – sa joace un rol benefic pentru sanatatea inimii si pentru sistemul imunitar.
28. Savurati desertul “anti-varsta”
Luati doi pumni de fructe rosii (cirese, capsuni, zmeura, coacaze etc.) si stropiti-le cu lapte acru. Indulciti desertul – dupa gust – cu miere si veti obtine un adevarat regal de flavonoide, substante care combat oxidarea, cea care ne imbatraneste celulele.
29. Plangeti!
Lacrimile permit evacuarea unui exces de tensiuni daunatoare sanatatii. Unii afirma chiar ca longevitatea femeilor s-ar datora capacitatii lor de a elimina toxinele plangand…
30. Vorbiti cu copacii
Conform invataturii taoiste, copacii au efecte benefice asupra longevitatii: transforma energiile negative in energii pozitive. Strangand in brate un copac, va reincarcati de energie vitala.
31. Iesiti din cochilie
Activitatile sociale si relationale imbunatatesc speranta de viata: persoanele mai active social fumeaza mai putin, mananca mai sanatos, fac regulat exercitii fizice si stiu sa vorbeasca despre problemele lor.
32. Priviti partea buna a lucrurilor
Optimistii traiesc mai mult decat pesimistii si prezinta mai putine riscuri de deces prematur. Fericirea si optimismul par, de asemenea, sa sporeasca numarul celulelor noastre imunitare, armele cele mai eficiente ale organismului impotriva bolilor.
33. Traiti momente de frica
Cercetatorii israelieni afirma ca tot ceea ce este susceptibil sa ne faca inima sa bata mai tare, deci sa-i relanseze din cand in cand activitatea, este in favoarea longevitatii. Amatori de filme de groaza, la treaba!
34. Recitati poezii
Cercetatorii elvetieni au demonstrat ca persoanele care recita poezii, cate o jumatate de ora in fiecare zi, isi reduc considerabil nivelul de stres si deci si riscurile unor maladii cardiace.
35. Studiati
Cercetatorii californieni au descoperit faptul ca femeile care au luat un bacalaureat sau o diploma de studii superioare sunt mai putin predispuse la bolile de inima decat tovarasele lor mai putin instruite.
36. Bizuiti-va pe inteligenta
De curand, oamenii de stiinta englezi au publicat un studiu legat de relatia dintre coeficientul de inteligenta (IQ) si longevitate. Conform rezultatelor prezentate pentru o perioada de 60 de ani, indivizii cei mai inteligenti au cele mai mari sanse sa moara ultimii…
37. Oferiti-va o planta verde
Persoanele care locuiesc in zona rurala au o speranta de viata superioara celei a orasenilor. Un studiu al Centrului medical din Tokio a demonstrat ca populatia urbana care traieste in apropierea spatiilor verzi imbatraneste mai greu.
38. Raporturile cu mama
Un studiu al Scolii medicale de la Harvard a demonstrat ca persoanele aflate in relatii “reci” cu mamele lor sunt expuse unor riscuri mult mai mari (cu 91%) de a contracta o boala grava, in perioada vietii adulte.
39. Fiti credinciosi
Mersul regulat la biserica sporeste speranta de viata, conchide “Jurnalul international de psihiatrie si medicina”. Deosebit de eficienta pentru destresarea organismului si deculpabilizarea sufletului, frecventarea lacasurilor de cult protejeaza, de asemenea, digestia si respiratia.
40. Asterneti-va sentimentele pe hartie
Dr. Pamela Peeke de la Universitatea din Baltimore va informeaza: “Trei minute pentru a exprima cateva ganduri intr-un jurnal sau cateva cuvinte adresate in scris unui prieten sunt suficiente pentru a calma starile de stres”. Dovada? Dupa 4 luni de incitare la scris, 47% din pacientii astmatici aflati in tratamentul ei au manifestat o ameliorare a simptomelor.
41. Mergeti la cinema
Vizionarea unui film sau a unui spectacol de teatru sau prezenta in sala de concerte ne ajuta sa traim mai mult – acestea sunt concluziile unui studiu suedez realizat pe 12.000 de persoane. 36% dintre pasionatii de manifestari culturale au atins, efectiv, suta de ani, fiind inca in putere, pentru ca aceste distractii stimuleaza functionarea sistemului imunitar!
42. Visati
Conform neurologilor, visele servesc la stabilirea unor legaturi intre amintirile inmagazinate de creier pe parcursul zilei si amintirile mai vechi. Pentru psihanalisti, visele permit exprimarea unor aspecte neglijate ale personalitatii noastre. In ambele cazuri, visarea este o cale de a fi in armonie cu noi insine, deci de a evita irascibilitatea si tulburarile de comportament care pandesc persoanele private de somn.
This may be the first time you’ve heard of it, but diets rich in choline may help protect your brain from the affects of ageing, Daily Mail writes. The nutrient from the B vitamin family is found in foods like chicken, eggs and saltwater fish as well as legumes such as kidney beans.
Researchers at Boston University found people who got plenty of choline in their diets performed better on memory tests and were less likely to show brain changes associated with dementia.
The findings add to evidence that your lifetime diet may make a difference in how your brain ages, said senior researcher Dr Rhoda Au. However, she cautioned against looking to any one nutrient as a magic bullet against dementia.
‘I think the message is that eating a healthy, balanced diet in mid-life is important,’ she said.
Previous research has found a Mediterranean-style diet, which includes fish, vegetables and olive oil, might have a protective effect.
For the latest study, Dr Au combed through the results from a long-running heart health survey. Nearly 1,400 adults aged 36 to 83 answered dietary questionnaires between 1991 and 1995. Then, between 1998 and 2001, they underwent tests of memory and other cognitive abilities and had MRI brain scans.
The study found, men and women in the top quarter for choline intake performed better on the memory tests than those in the bottom quarter. This held true even when factors including education and fat and calorie intake were taken into consideration.
People who suffer from short-sightedness, long-sightedness or astigmatism now have the possibility of giving up their glasses or contact lenses in only 4 minutes, through a new intervention in Romania, Gandul writes.
The treatment uses laser to correct sight problems and is one of the safest and most modern laser interventions. The technology is even applied to correct sight defects in NASA astronauts and US pilots.
“This procedure is personalized based on every patient’s needs. So that the treatment has the desired result, all fundamental particularities of the patient’s sight are taken into consideration, thus providing a treatment in line with the affected eye’s structure,” said Dr. Mihaela Simion, an ophthalmologist with a Bucharest private clinic.
“Normally, both eyes are treated in the same intervention and it take about four minutes. The patient is aware during the operation but they can be given mild anesthesia. Recovery is a lot shorter and less painful due to this technology,” the doctor added.
The treatment can be applied to any people who wear glasses or contact lenses and are over 21, without suffering from ailments such as keratoconus or high eye pressure and whose sight defects did not change in at least a year. Pregnant women and those who breastfeed cannot undertake the intervention, Dr. Simion added