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On 12 March 2012 the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation had hosted, in the framework of celebrating 90 years of political relation between Romanian and Iraq, the Conference IRAQ: PAST AND PRESENT having as special contributor His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea opens the CONFERENCE -IRAQ: PAST AND PRESENT -12 March 2012

The conference has enjoyed the presence of Romanian academic community, Doctoral School of International Relations, experts in international relations, diplomats, journalists and historians.

Opening the conference, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea highlighted the main elements of the Iraqi-Romanian bilateral relations calendar for 2012.

This year is marking the 90 years anniversary of establishing political dialogue between Romania and Iraq, 25 years  from the last public conference presenting Iraqi realities to Romanian public ( last public conference was held in 1987) and the celebration of 30 years from the highest level of economic bilateral relations , registered in 1982, with a level of bilateral trade reaching 386 million dollars ( over 800 million dollars at present day US dollar value), this level of economic exchange being just a sign of the viability and amplitude of the bilateral economic exchanges.

Fallowing this extensive presentation of the bilateral relations landmarks celebrated in 2012 by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea the fallowing speakers presented their salute for His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq and for the personalities present to conference.

The welcoming speeches where held among others by Honorary President of Academic Community- Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, Professor Dr. Petru Buneci, Professor dr. Academician Mircea Constantinescu etc.

Key note speech of the CONFERENCE IRAK: PAST AND PRESENT held by His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq.

The key speech of the conference was held by His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq. His report  emphasized on the historical evolution of Iraq, from the time of Summer civilization to Assyrian Empire, culminating with the arrival of Islam and with the moment of Karbala martyrdom of Imam Hussein and the fracture between the rulers, the guardians of power of this world and the oppressed of all social strata in search of a better future , a fracture that will mark the history of Iraq.

The ample historical fresco presented to the audience by the Ambassador of Iraq had also draw the attention of the public to the Ottoman legacy and to the independence fight concluding the modern history of Iraq with the moment of 1958 revolution.

The recent history of Iraq was vivid reconstructed with an emphasizing on the difficult moments that confronted Iraq society under the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, but also on the positive aspects of today`s Iraq.

Ambassador MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI had made an enthusiastic presentation of Iraq today`s developments including: democratic credentials, building a civil society, constructing a free market economy and a rapid economic development.

These elements are charting the profile of a society that is not perfect, but is aware of his weaknesses and is trying his best to remedy them, and this is the essence of progress.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea announced : unanimity of votes for His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq- BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011

Marking the final moments of the conference, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Academician Constantin Balacanu Stolnici requested an appreciation vote and a thanking manifestation for His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI and for Iraq and in a unanimous response the audience pay homage to an exceptional and sophisticated academic speech approving the handing on ceremony of the title of BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011 to His Excellency  MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI – Iraq Ambassador .

The Conference IRAQ: PAST AND PRESENT has re-candled the tradition of presenting Iraq realities to the Romanian academic community, after a 25 years hiatus and laid the foundation of a better mutual knowledge and appreciation of the progresses made by Iraq in the last span of time.

Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, prof.dr. Petru Buneci, Minister Petru Lificiu and Professor Dr. Anton Caragea bestow the Certificate for BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011 to  His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq

The great response from the Romanian side to the conference and bestowing the title of BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011 to His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI – Ambassador of Iraq, had stated a clear signal on the importance that Romania is attaching not only to reward an outstanding diplomatic activity but also to mark an important relation for Romanian people: the relation with Iraq.


In data de 12 martie 2012 Institutul de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica a organizat, cu ocazia implinirii a 90 de ani de relatii politice intre Romania si Irak ,  Conferinta IRAK- TRECUT SI PREZENT, sustinuta de Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului .

Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea deschide Conferinta: IRAK- TRECUT SI PREZENT

Conferinta s-a bucurat de prezenta comunitatii academice din Romania, a  reprezentantilor Scolii doctorale de relatii internationale, experti in relatii internationale, diplomati, jurnalisti si istorici.

In deschiderea conferintei prof.dr.Anton Caragea a prezentat principalele elemente ale calendarului relatiei bilaterale Romania-Irak pentru anul 2012.

In acest an se marcheza 90 de ani de relatii politice intre Romania si Irak ,  25 de ani de la ultima conferinta publica dedicata Irakului ( conferinta ce a avut loc in 1987) si implinirea a 30 de ani de la varful relatiilor economice bilaterale , anul 1982, cand volumul comertului bilateral a depasit suma de 386 de milioane de dolari ( peste 800 de milioane de dolari la cursul actual) dand un semnal al viabilitatii relatiei economice bilaterale.

Dupa aceasta prezentare a stadiului actual al relatiei bilaterale au urmat cuvintele de bun sosit adresate  Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului si auditoriului conferintei.

Discursurile de bun sosit au fost rostite de Presedinte -Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, prof.univ.dr. Petru Buneci, prof.univ.dr. academician Mircea Constantinescu etc.

Discursul central al Conferintei sustinut de Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului.

In discursul central al conferintei,  Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului a prezentat o ampla fresca istorica  a devenirii Irakului, incepand cu perioada sumeriana , continuand cu perioada asiriana si apoi cu sosirea islamului si momentul definitoriu al separarii intre cei care detin puterea in lume si oprimatii, din toate straturile sociale in cautarea unei vieti mai bune si a dreptatii.

Prezentarea elementelor cheie ale istoriei Irakului a continuat, trecand prin perioada otomana , apoi a  mandatului britanic si apoi perioada independentei ,a revolutiei din 1958 si trecutul apropiat , al perioadei lui Saddam Hussein, au fost viu reconstruite in discursul ambasadorului irakian.

Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI a construit apoi un amplu expozeu al realitatilor Irakului de astazi : dezvoltarea democratica, construirea societatii civile , construirea unei economii de piata, cresterea economica rapida, toate creeaza portretul unei societati, care nu este perfecta, dar care este constienta de lipsurile sale si doreste sa le repare cat mai rapid.

Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea anunta rezultatul , in unanimitate, Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului este declarat CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR AL ANULUI 2011.

La finalul conferintei prof.dr.Anton Caragea si Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici  au solicitat un vot de apreciere si de multumire pentru Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului.

In unanimitate cei prezenti au salutat un discurs si un demers academic de exceptie inmanand titlul de CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR al ANULUI 2011 Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului .

 Conferinta  IRAK : TRECUT SI PREZENT a reluat traditia prezentarii realitatilor  irakiene in fata comunitatii academice romanesti, dupa un hiatus de 25 de ani si a pus bazele unei mai bune cunoasteri reciproce si a aprecierii progreselor facute de Irak in ultimii ani .

Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, prof.dr. Petru Buneci, Petru Lificiu-ministru si Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea ofera certificatul pentru CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR AL ANULUI 2011 Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului.

Desfasurarea cu o larga participare romanesca a conferintei, entuziasmul comunitatii academice si acordarea titlului de  CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR AL ANULUI 2011 Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului au reprezentat un semnal clar de incurajare si de apreciere   pentru o activitate meritorie si o relatie importanta pentru Romania : relatia cu Irakul.

Sursa: centrul diplomatic

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