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Government-Related Website:
Ministry of Communications: www.iraqimoc.net
Ministry of Construction & Housing: www.moch.gov.iq
Ministry of Electricity: www.moelc.gov.iq
Ministry of Finance: www.mof.gov.iq
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: www.mofa.gov.iq
Ministry of Health: www.moh.gov.iq
Ministry of Industry and Minerals: www.industry.gov.iq
Ministry of Oil: www.oil.gov.iq
Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation: http://www.mop.gov.iq
Ministry of Trade: www.mot.gov.iq
Ministry of Water Resources: www.mowr.gov.iq
National Investment Commission: www.investpromo.gov.iq
South Oil Company: www.soc.gov.iq
State Company for Agriculture: www.iraqiscas.com
Trade Bank of Iraq: www.tbiraq.com
British Embassy in Iraq: www.ukiniraq.fco.gov.uk
Kurdistan Regional Government: www.krg.org
Country Information:
BBC Website:
FCO Country Profile:
Culture and communications:
CILT – National Centre for Languages – Regional Language Network in your area:
Kwintessential culture guides:

Main Home

Customs & Regulations:
HM Revenue & Customs: www.hmrc.gov.uk
Import Controls and documentation (SITPRO): http://www.sitpro.org.uk
Economic Information:
Export Control
Export Control Organisation:
Export Finance and Insurance:
ECGD: http://www.ecgd.gov.uk/
Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Office:
Market Access
Market Access Database for Tariffs (for non-EU markets only):
SOLVIT – Overcoming Trade Barriers (EU Markets only)
Standard and Technical Regulations:
British Standards Institution (BSI): http://www.bsigroup.com/en/sectorsandservices/Disciplines/ImportExport/
National Physical Laboratory: http://www.npl.co.uk/
Intellectual Property – http://www.ipo.gov.uk/
Trade Statistics:
National Statistics Information: http://www.statistics.gov.uk/hub/index.html
UK Trade Info: https://www.uktradeinfo.co.uk/
Travel Advice:
FCO Travel: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travel-and-living-abroad/
NHS: http://www.nhs.uk/nhsengland/Healthcareabroad/
Travel health: http://www.travelhealth.co.uk/

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