The technical team has over 8 years experience, and until know attracted over 500 million euros, with 100% success – manage and approved files for grants.
Please find below a brief outline of the Regional Operational Program (ROP) – Priority Investment 2.2 – Support for the creation and expansion of advanced capacities of production and development of services
Eligible activities:
Construction, extension of production areas, including general utilities (water supply, sewage, supply with natural gas, thermal agent, electricity, fire safety)
Outfitting with tangible and intangible assets, including on-line sales tools:
Procurement of equipment, machinery, work instalaltions, furniture, IT equipment, office stationery of the nature of fixed assets
Procurement of specific equipment in the aim of obtaining an energy consumption reduction, as well as systems which utilise renewable (alternative) sources for energy for raising the efficiency of activities for which financing has been requested, within the limit of 15% of the eligible value of the project
Investments in intangible assets: patents, licenses, commercial brands, software, other similar rights and assets
Investments in creating on-line sales tools for the applicant’s own services / goods. These tools are aimed at creating a virtual store (e-shop) in which are to be implement different functionalities specific to online sale: publishing product catalogs, prices and stocks, receiving orders, e-payment tools, etc.
Implementation of processes for certifying products, services or different specific processes, quality, environment or health management systems,
Eligible applicants:
Non-agricultural SMEs from an urban environment
Non-agricultural medium-sized enterprises from a rural environment
Maximum intensity of the regional aid cannot exceed 60% of the total value of the eligible costs for medium enterprises and 70% for small enterprises, at a value of the nonreturnable aid of a minimum of 200.000 EUR and max. 1.000.000 EUR. For more details please call on the phone 004 0756.313.842, accesing the link 1million or ask on email.
Also, we are glad to meet you and present you more details.
If you have friends, companies, partners, members or business association or other persons that can be interested about this subject, please share this information. More info on mobile 004 0756.313.842.