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Mai jos este legea data de guvern referitor la bugetul alocat pentru constructia unui milion de case.


Commencement of Housing Program

Dear Investors,

The National Investment Commission (the “NIC”) is committed to bringing opportunities to the investor community that are essential to the Iraqi citizens, provide growth and development for the country and offer significant returns on investment. In line with these goals, we at the National Investment

Commission are proud to be presenting this opportunity for investment in Iraq’s housing sector.

This investment announcement to interested investors, parties, developers, financiers and construction companies is intended to begin a large-scale program addressing Iraq’s significant housing and infrastructure shortages.

This announcement provides interested parties an overview of the proposed housing initiative and the preliminary requirements for project submission. If you have any questions on the memorandum below, or would like further information on the program, please communicate with us by email at

iraqhousing@investpromo.gov.iq. The NIC will be conducting this process under Iraq’s Investment Law (Law No. 13 of 2006). Timetables for this program are set under Timeframe below.

In response to this announcement, we require information regarding your company and your proposed approach on how to best address the housing and infrastructure needs, maintenance programs and overall development strategy. The same information will be gathered from all companies and will be used in the process of awarding of a development project hereunder. We look forward to hearing from those parties who want to be part of this historic effort.



Dr. Sami Al-Araji


National Investment Commission



The Iraqi National Investment Commission hereby announces the commencement of a housing program (the “Program”) to develop approximately one million (1,000,000) housing units (“Housing Units”) throughout Iraq. The NIC hereby seeks inquiries from investors and developers (“Developers”) interested

in participating in this program along with the terms explained below.

Overview of the Program

The NIC hereby announces the commencement of the housing program to develop approximately 1,000,000 housing units in total across Iraq’s 15 Governorates and the Kurdistan Region. The number of housing units in each Governorate would be approximately those laid out in the table below entitled “Figure 1. Number of Housing Units in Each Governorate and the Kurdistan Region”.

The basic aspects of the Program provide that the Iraqi National Investment Commission would grant a successful Developer of a project a plot of land and license – both on a conditional basis – to develop the requisite number of Housing Units allocated to a project, and potentially the required infrastructure as described further below.

The NIC will look favourably on Developers that seek to establish the developments using modern building technologies, which will allow them to complete the developments more efficiently in terms of cost and time. Upon completion of the development project, Investors/Developers would sell the housing units to individual purchasers, along the lines listed below under “Housing Purchase Program”.

The NIC will oversee the implementation of the Housing Program throughout Iraq by coordinating its development through its various phases, including the granting of land to the Developers. The NIC will also coordinate the relationships between the Investors/Developers and appropriate Ministries, particularly the Ministry of Housing and Construction and provincial authorities to ensure a smooth development process, and to facilitate the activities of the Developers. The Trade Bank of Iraq (“TBI”), as lead financial arranger of the Program, will coordinate the financial packages related to the various developments throughout Iraq. With respect to the developments in Kurdistan, the NIC will coordinate this effort with the Kurdistan Investment Commission.

Housing Purchase Program

The Program will have the following features:

1. The Program will consist of a series of developments (each a “Development”) across Iraq’s 15 Governorates and Kurdistan Region. The aggregate number of Housing Units to be built on all the Developments will be approximately 1,000,000 housing units.

2. The Housing Units would likely be required to comply with certain basic criteria in considering size,

layout, energy efficiency, construction material et.al. We believe that, in light of the housing shortages and the available plots of land in urban environments, the likely requirements in such areas would be that

the units be in apartment buildings (depending on relevant municipal requirements and regional market demands) with each apartment having an area between 100 to 150 square meters (containing, at a minimum, three bedrooms, living room, bathroom, kitchen, and storage area). Accordingly, Investors / Developers should note the need for elevators in these apartment buildings when required.

With respect to locations in areas outside the major cities, we believe that the likely requirements in more rural areas would be for houses and smaller buildings, with the same size requirements for the apartments.

The NIC would welcome creative design solutions that would amend these basic requirements with the goal of providing more optimal development arrangements.

3. We currently propose that the target sales price for each housing unit will not exceed fifty thousand US dollars ($50,000USD, given 100 square meter unit) or $500USD per square meter, taking account that the price for the unit in many governorates of Iraq will be less then the above mentioned price.

4. Currently, the program is set up whereby each purchaser of a unit will have an opportunity to finance a portion of the purchase. For example:

The purchaser will be required to make a down payment of 25% of purchase price upon signing a contract for a unit, which will be held in escrow with TBI (or approproved financial institution); with the remaining amount to be financed by a mortgage lender amortized over seven to ten years.

5. In connection with purchasing each property, each purchaser would be required to enter into a maintenance contract for the maintenance of the common areas of the Development (see “Maintenance Programs” below).

Infrastructure Costs

The Program will address the building of infrastructure in the following manner:

1. In each Development, further details will be provided regarding the existing infrastructure in the areas surrounding the subject Development location.

2. With respect to the infrastructure within the boundaries of the Development, each Investor/Developer will be required to build such infrastructure, the cost of which will be included in the sales price for the units on a pro-rata basis.

3. For purposes of each Development, it is anticipated that the infrastructure within the boundary will include among others: roads, water, sewage, electricity and telecommunications lines.

 Mortgage Program

We understand that Investors/Developers will not want to become long-term mortgage lenders.

Accordingly, the Program will include mortgage facilities, with TBI as lead financial arranger. The mortgage program will broadly include the following terms:

1. The mortgages to be offered to purchasers will be adjustable rate mortgages. NIC will also seek to make available in the mortgage program Sharia compliant housing finance.

2. TBI will establish appropriate credit criteria and monitoring systems with respect to the mortgagees.

TBI, as administrative agent for the lending group, will obtain security in the form of a first priority lien on the title of each unit.

3. The Program intends to tap the significant liquidity available in the Iraqi banking sector. The Program also intends to tap other sources of liquidity both internal and external to Iraq.

4. The NIC and TBI will be coordinating their financing activities with multilateral financial agencies and institutions.

 Maintenance Programs

The NIC understands that both purchasers and mortgage lenders would need to ensure that the value of the Housing Units would not deteriorate due to a lack of appropriate maintenance. The NIC envisages that, within each Development, all common areas and the outside of the units themselves would need to be well maintained. It is intended that specialized companies will be contracted to maintain these common areas. These companies would charge the owners of the housing units monthly management and maintenance charges.

 Enticements for Investors/Developers and Certain Other Considerations

The Program will contain the following additional features:

1. In certain instances, the NIC will provide additional construction opportunities to the proposed Developments in order to supplement the Investors/Developers returns. Accordingly, the NIC would propose that particular Developments would contain certain commercial components, for which licenses would be conditional on agreeing to complete particular Housing Units. These commercial projects would include, but not limited to, Housing Units that do not have targeted sales prices, retail outlets (including shopping centers), hotels and office spaces. Input from Developers on the types of such associated commercial projects and on how their Development might be structured is welcome as part of Investors’/Developers’ responses to this Announcement.

2. The NIC believes that each Development will contain requirements for the Developers to construct certain public services, such as schools, clinics and similar services.

3. In light of Iraq’s housing shortage, the NIC will look favourably on Developers who intend to complete their proposed projects using modern building technologies, which would be anticipated to complete such

Developments in a more timely and cost-efficient manner than the traditional building processes utilized in Iraq. Developers should note, however, that the NIC will review such modern technologies to ensure that quality would not be affected and that the materials and designs will be specific to regional requirements and market demands.

Response Process

The proposed program will be coordinated by the NIC under Iraq’s Investment Law (Law No.13 of 2006).

Accordingly, as this announcement has been delivered to interested parties, the NIC will establish additional procedures with respect to addressing specific Proposed Developments.


For questions regarding this announcement, you are welcome to contact the NIC via email at iraqhousing@investpromo.gov.iq

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Pentru reprezentatii mass-media, oferim cat mai multe detalii cu scopul de a ilustra obiectiv si transparent informatiile prezentate pe paginile anterioare.

Completati formularul din josul paginii in cazul in care doriti sa fiti primii care sunteti informati despre:

1. Personalitatile din zona
2. Companiile care investesc in zona
3. Declaratiile autoritatilor
4. Declaratiile personalitatilor
5. Toate evenimentele si actiunile organizate in zona

6. Realizari deosebite.

Alte beneficii:

1. Invitatii la conferintele de presa
2. Invitatii in deplasarile ce se vor efectua impreuna cu felurite autoritati sau personalitati
3. Mape de presa
4. Invitatii la dineuri si evenimente caritabile
5. Informatii despre fonduri disponibile pentru publicitate si altele

Trimiteti-ne datele de contact (numele, publicatia, numarul de telefon si adresa de e-mail) la adrian@mihailovici.ro


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Economia Irakului este dominata de sectorul petrolier, care furnizeaza 90% din veniturile bugetare. De la mijlocul anului 2009 castigurile din exportul petrolului au revenit la nivelul anterior Operatiunii Eliberarea Irakului (Iraqi Freedom).

Kurzii sunt bogati.  Acestia au venituri consistente, cum ar fi pensiile de revolutionar de peste 500 USD, fara a avea serviciu si fara a plati servicii de utilitati publice

In Erbil am discutat cu mai multi Directori de Banca care sunt dispusi sa finanteze proiecte.

Mai multe fonduri de investitii sunt gata sa finanteze orice proiect viabil.

Deasemenea investitori privati sunt gata sa investeasca in proiecte functionale.

In experienta personala de  peste 10 ani, am obtinut finantari pentru clientii mei de peste 200 milioane euro.  


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An international investment magazine has ranked Erbil in fifth position among top Middle East cities with potential for foreign direct investment. This places Erbil ahead of Muscat and Riyadh.
FDI Magazine, a subsidiary of the Financial Times, in this month’s edition, ran a feature on Middle East cities of the future, ranking cities by economic potential, infrastructure, business friendliness and FDI promotion strategy.
In the listing for cities with the most potential for FDI, the magazine gave Amman top place followed by Dubai, Manama, and Ras Al Khaimah and then Erbil. Rhiyad was ranked 9th and Muscat 6th.
Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, the KRG High Representative to the UK, said, “FDI Magazine’s recognition of Erbil as a Middle East city of the future with potential for foreign direct investment confirms what many who have been doing business in Kurdistan already know – that Kurdistan and its capital are ripe for investment and ready to do business.”
The Kurdistan Region is increasingly seen as the commercial gateway to Iraq and is attracting trade and investment from around the world, particularly from neighbouring countries. The region’s trade with Turkey comes to about $7.5 billion dollars a year, followed by Lebanon, Iran and the Gulf states.
The Kurdistan Board of Investment and Ministry of Trade and Industry go out of their way to ease business in Kurdistan, with the assistance of the chambers of commerce and other trade organisations. The Board of Investment estimates $17 billion has been invested in projects ranging from cement factories to shopping malls in Kurdistan in the past five years.
European business communities are also turning to Kurdistan and there are regular trade delegations visiting the region from the UK, France, Italy, Austria, Germany and other EU countries. Erbil’s international airport offers direct flights to Frankfurt, Vienna, Amman and many other destination and an increasing number of hotels in the capital make it a business friendly environment.
A trade and investment conference in London last year attracted over 600 people representing 205 companies, 60 media organisations and close to 20 diplomatic missions.
Kurdistan has also recently been listed as a favourite tourist destination. The New York Times placed the region in its top 34 places to visit and National Geographic Magazine listed it as 20.

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Monedele folosite sunt Dinarul Irakian – IQD si USD; rata de schimb: 1 USD = 1190 IQD

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 In contextul promovarii companiilor romanesti pentru accederea pe piata irakiana, la 22.09.2011, Ambasadorul Romaniei si seful BPCE Bagdad au desfasurat o intalnire cu Guvernatorul Provinciei Basra Khalaf. A. Khalaf. Provincia Basra, majoritar shia, dispunde de cele mai mari rezerve de petrol de pe teritoriul Irakului. La intalnire au mai participat oameni de afaceri irakieni originari din Basra.
Ambasadorul Romaniei si seful BPCE au evidentiat relatiile traditionale dintre Romania si Irak si au prezentat sectoarele economice romanesti care pot contribui la refacerea economiei Irakiene. Atat guvernatorul cat si ceilalti oameni de afaceri prezenti la intalnire au exprimat disponibilitatea de a lucra cu firme romanesti pentru realizarea proiectelor din provincie.
Economia provinciei se bazeaza in primul rand pe activitatea din sectorul petrolier. Dezvoltarea campurilor a fost deja incredintata, prin contracte de prestarii serviicii, catre mari companii petroliere internationale. South Oil Company supravegheaza si participa la derularea contractelor in aceste campuri si exista posibilitati de subcontractare.In domeniul constructiilor se resimte lipsa acuta de locuinte. Atat la nivel national cat si provincial, exista proiecte de construire de locuinte sociale. Ca proiect de infrastructura, Provincia doreste sa modernizeze linia de centura a orasului Basra si legaturile cu Zubayr si Qurna.
In incheierea discutiilor, guvernatorul a lansat (verbal) invitatia sa efectuam o vizita in viitorul apropiat (pana la sfarsitul acestui an). In dorinta de a da vizitei un pronuntat caracter concret, am propus organizarea unui forum de afaceri (mase rotunde) la care sa participe oficiali locali si firme din zona, precum si invitarea unor firme romanesti pentru a se documenta cu privire la proiectele si cerintele pietei si a stabili contacte cu oameni de afaceri irakieni. Guvernatorul a apreciat ideea si a spus ca va sprijini acordarea de vize pentru oamenii de afaceri romani care doresc sa viziteze Basra. Cel mai probabil, actiunea se poate desfasura in lunile noiembrie sau decembrie, in functie de contextul politic si de securitate din Irak si din Basra in special.In contextul celor de mai sus, va rog sa-mi comunicati disponibilitatea deplasarii in Irak, in orasul Basra, in luna noiembrie sau decembrie (perioada se va stabili de comun acord cu Guvernatorul) pentru desfasurarea unor intalniri cu oficiali si oameni de afaceri locali. Guvernatorul va stabili o persoana de contact (irakian) care sa sprijini organizatoric (rezervari la hotel, transport local, rezervare sala de conferinte, efectuarea de vizite, etc.).

Va voi tine la curent cu evolutiile si demersurile (va voi instiinta oportun despre primirea invitatiei oficiale din partea Guvernatorului).
Va rog sa-mi transmiteti o confirmare a intentiei de participare la activitate pana la 21.10.2012 (ipsa unui raspuns = negativ).


Informatii generale despre Basra.

Necesitatea accelerării investiţiilor pentru a îmbunătăţi infrastructura petrolieră din zona Basra dacă se doreşte îndeplinirea ţintelor de producţie

Directorul General al South Oil Company (SOC) a afirmat ca este nevoie de o actiune hotarata pentru a imbunatati infrastructura petroliera din zona Basra daca se doreste indeplinirea tintelor de productie. Afirmatia a fost sustinuta, intr-un interviu separat, de catre vicepresedintele Exxon Mobil Iraq, care a vorbit despre relatia intre cresterea productiei si cresterea capacitatii de export. Anul 2011 va inregistra cu siguranta o accelerare a investitiilor in infrastructura petroliera prin acordarea de catre statul irakian a unor noi avantaje investitorilor.Directorul general al South Oil Company (SOC) Dhia Jaffar a afirmat ca este nevoie de o actiune hotarata pentru imbunatatirea infrastructurii din zona Basra, terminalul sudic de export pentru petrolul irakian, daca se doreste atingerea ambitioaselor tinte de productie. Oficialul irakian a adaugat ca pragul de productie de 2,5 mil.barili/zi ar trebui atins pana la sfarsitul lui 2011, dar, pentru a face posibil acest fapt, trebuie depasite limitarile retelei de conducte, a facilitatilor de depozitare si terminalelor de export. Majoritatea infrastructurii petroliere este veche si nu mai poate functiona la capacitatea maxima.Planurile de intretinere care deruleaza in prezent vor duce la cresterea capacitatii de export din zona Basra la 1,8 mil.barili/zi. Exista proiecte pentru tratarea chimica a conductei sudice (pentru reducerea frecarii) si pentru construirea unor conducte offshore si a unor puncte de acostare pentru incarcarea petrolului in tancuri. Realizarea proiectelor ar creste capacitatea de export cu 900.000 barili/zi.

Campurile din sudul Irakului produc majoritatea petrolului si realizeaza cea mai mare parte a exportului: 77,4% din petrolul irakian a fost exportat prin terminalul sudic. Companiile petroliere internationale au crescut productia intr-un ritm remarcabil, iar acest succes a creat un “punct de sufocare”: capacitatile de export si stocare sunt inferioare productiei.

Intr-un interviu acordat la 26 aprilie, vicepresedintele Exxom Mobil pentru Irak James Adams a exprimat ingrijorari similare in ciuda succeselor obtinute in campul West Qurna 1. Terminalele Basra si Khor al-Amaya si conductele de transport pana la acestea sunt cheia dezvoltarii. Pe termen scurt, se poate actiona mai usor asupra productiei (reducere) decat pentru construirea facilitatilor necesare pentru asigurarea continuitatii exporturilor. Nu se poate estima daca productia va creste pana in punctul de “sufocare” inainte de finalizarea noilor facilitati de transport si export.

Aceste decalaje intre infrastructura de productie si cea de export este cauza unor incertitudini: cat de repede va continua sa creasca productia si cat timp actuala infrastructura poate sa faca fata. Problema productiei este insa mai putin presanta: avansul rapid al companiilor internationale in sudul Irakului este rezultatul reabilitarii facilitatilor existente. Urmatoarea etapa de dezvoltare va insemna adaugarea a numeroase facilitati de productie noi. Alt motiv de ingrijorare este faptul ca infrastructura existenta este foarte veche, iar functionarea echipamentelor, conductelor, tancurilor si statiilor de pompare este incerta. Cand echipamentele ating durata maxima de viata, nimeni nu poate spune cat timp vor mai putea functiona, a afirmat oficialul de la Exxon.

Tinta de productie, stabilita de Ministerul Petrolului la 10-12 mil.barili/zi pana in 2017, a fost intampinata cu scepticism, unii sugerand ca estimarea de 6-7 mil.barili/zi este mult mai realista. Chiar si aceasta tinta de 6-7 mil.barili/zi, pe care ministerul planuieste sa o atinga pana in 2014, este dependenta de constructia unor noi conducte, tancuri de depozitare si statii de pompare. Instalarea unor noi capacitati concomitent cu intretinerea celor vechi este o activitate dificil de echilibrat. Pentru cresterea capacitatii de export din campurile sudice noua infrastructura este cruciala.

Presiunea asupra Bagdadului pentru cresterea exporturilor este extraordinara. Din punct de vedere politic, Guvernul trebuie sa imbunatateasca serviciile esentiale pentru populatie si acest lucru poate fi finantat numai prin cresterea veniturilor din vanzarea petrolului si gazelor. Din punct de vedere fiscal, Guvernul trebuie sa faca fata platilor pentru recuperarea costurilor companiilor petroliere. In timp ce cresterea pretului mondial la petrol este o veste buna pentru Guvern, faptul ca firmele petroliere au crescut productia mai repede decat era preconizat le permite acestora, conform contractelor, sa inceapa acoperirea costurilor. In 2011 vom asista cu siguranta la o accelerare a investitiilor in infrastructura de stat si acceptarea de catre Irak a unor conditii pe care nu le-ar fi acceptat anterior din partea investitorilor. Companiile energetice si firmele de infrastructura au avantaje din ce in ce mai mari in negocierile cu statul irakian.

Data publicării: 17/06/2011
BPCE Bagdad
Ministerul irakian al Electricitatii a semnat un contract de 204,4 mil.USD cu un consortiu sino-saudit format din Machinery Engineering Corporation of Chnia si Dao-al-Jomaih Group (Arabia Saudita) pentru instalarea a patru turbine de gaze la uzina electrica Al-Najibiya din Provincia Basra. Instalarea trebuie incheiata pana in septembrie 2012.

  • Ministerul irakian al Electricitatii a dat publicitatii lista cu ultimele doua companii ramase in cursa pentru licitatia privind constructia unei uzine electrice de 1250 MW in Shatt al-Basra, sudul Irakului. Competitia finala se va da intre firma iordaniana Mass Global Investment si firma kurda Kar Group. Productia de energie electrica in noua uzina este prevazuta sa inceapa in luna mai 2013.

Presedintele Comisiei Provinciei Basra pentru Energie si Electricitate ZYAD FADHIL a anuntat ca Basra va utiliza inca o uzina electrica plutitoare (amplasata pe o nava), de fabricatie turceasca, pentru a satisface nevoia de energie electrica a provinciei pe timpul verii. Vasul va fi ancorat la Al-Maaqal si va furniza 250 MW in reteaua de electricitate a provinciei. Alaturi de cele doua uzine electrice plutitoare turcesti, fiecare de 125 MW, aflate deja in functiune, capacitatea totala generata pe uzinele plutitoare, pentru Provincia Basra, va atinge 500 MW.

Data publicării: 16/06/2011
BPCE Bagdad

Basra a alocat 200 mil.USD pentru proiecte de electricitate

Comisia pentru Electricitate a Provinciei Basra a anuntat ca au fost alocati 200 mil.USD pentru proiecte de distributie a energiei electrice. In plus, la centrala electrica Al Nijaibiya vor fi adaugate patru unitati generatoare.In Provincia Basra este prevazuta construirea a 12 linii noi pentru transportul energiei electrice. Proiectul a fost deja transmis la Ministerul Electricitatii pentru aprobare. Companii straine au fost invitate pentru a transmite ofertele tehnice si comerciale. Proiectele trebuie finalizate pana in vara anului 2011.(Sursa: Addustour)

Bugetul Provinciei Basra in 2011 va fi de 1,25 mld.USD

Consiliul Provincial Basra a anuntat ca bugetul provinciei pentru anul 2011 va fi de 1,25 mld.USD. 670 mil.USD vor fi alocati pentru proiecte in sectorul electricitatii si serviciilor. Va fi construita o centrala electrica cu o capacitate de 500 MW. De asemenea, bugetul va aloca sumele necesare repararii sistemului de canalizare si construirii unor scoli.

(Sursa: Al Muraqeb Al Iraqi)

Data publicării: 04/11/2010
BPCE Bagdad
Fabrica de ingrasaminte Abu-Al-Khaseeb, Basra
Oportunitate de investitie in IrakFabrica de ingrasaminte Abu-Al-Khaseeb, Basra

Ministerul Industriei si Mineralelor / Departamentul de Investitii invita companiile internationale sa investeasca in fabrica de ingrasaminte pe baza de azot (uree) localizata in Abu-Al-Khaseeb, 25 km sud de Basra (in sudul Irakului) prin implementarea si finantarea activitatilor de reabilitare si reconstructie. Investitorul va conduce si opera fabrica si va beneficia de o cota parte a productiei.

Capacitatea proiectata a fabricii este de 420.000 tone uree/an.

Costul estimat al investitiei: 150 mil.USD


Reportaj despre orasul Basra

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Statul participa cu pana la 40% din investitie intr-o fabrica de sucuri.

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Companie cauta societate romaneasca de arhitectura in vederea asociererii si castigarii de proiecte in Kurdistan.

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Impreuna cu Camera de Comert si Industrie din Arges am inceput discutiile pentru o viitoare misiune economnica, formata din reprezentantii societatilor comerciale si autoritati locale din Kurdistan in Romania

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Impreuna cu TVR, intentionam sa mergem in Kurdistan sa creem o emisiune cu realitatile.

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Articole - Romania pozitiva