The world’s allegedly biggest pretzel, dubbed the Giants’ Food, was baked on Sunday at the 23 Medieval Sighisoara Festival in Transylvania. Organizers are going to submit a homologation request to the Guinness Book.

A huge baking plate held 100 kilograms of dough over a wood fire, as the attendance cheered, “Giants, may your hunger be appeased!” Alas, the baker — Dionisie Pajin of Sighisoara — warned that the pretzel would be inevitably white on top, as it was not baked in an oven and the sun cannot produce a brown crust.
Nevertheless, the resulting pretzel, bagel or whatever one might call it had 20 metres in diameter, or a linear length of 64 metres. It required a custom-made baking plate made of steel sheet in Targu Mures, the county seat. AGERPRES