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 Pe primul loc în topul 15 al celor mai frumoase şosele şi trasee din lume este nominalizat Transfăgărăşanul, unul dintre cele mai spectaculoase drumuri din România!  

Site-ul auto CarsRoute.com a realizat un top al celor mai frumoase şosele şi trasee din lume.

The Transfăgărășan (that’s the exact spelling) is the highest and most dramatic paved road from Romania. Built as a strategic military route by the former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu between 1970 and 1974, this road connects the historic regions of Transylvania and Wallachia, and the cities of Sibiu and Pitesti. The Transfagarasan represents 90 km of twists and turns run North to South across the tallest sections of the Carpathian Mountains between the highest peaks of the mountain in this country.

On top of the mountains this road provides access to Balea Lake, a glacier lake which has been here for thousands of years and it also has an almost 1 km long tunnel straight through the mountain’s top. The road was built at a high cost both financially and from a human standpoint with more than 6 million kilograms of explosive being used on the northern face and official records of 40 soldiers who lost their lives while building it. Unofficial records however mention that only the tunnel took about 400 lives.

Transfagarasan 3



road in the world !




Sursa: Romania Pozitiva

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