We are pleased to invite you to the XII edition of Businessman’s Evening. It will take place on WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 16, at the “La Bordei ” Restaurant, starting at 19:00. The address is: Blvd. Iuliu Maniu, nr. 7, Bucharest.
We want to celebrate this *12th edition,* of *”Businessmen’s Evening*” and we prepared a special artistic moment with Ioana Lupescu ( Asociatia CS “Feel&Dance” ). She is an international festival organizer and a complex dancer (Ballroom, Tango, Salsa, Lindy Hop), a judge and trainer in Romanian Federation with many awards won ( www.lectiidedans.ro ) . She has experience in working with companies and she will be bringing a special atmosphere in our meeting with a special short moment and will be entertaining our party after our official meeting.

Businessman’s Evening is an event organized monthly that gives each participant the opportunity to interact in a relaxing environment with a large number of people. The purpose is to find yourself new partners and friends, from inside the country and abroad. You can see Video link- here “Businessman’s Evening”
The event aims to bring face to face business people from different areas (financial, investors, manufacturers, builders, services and others), and facilitate interactions with new potential clients, partners and collaborators. We can help your business to grow, in Romania and other foreign markets (Africa, Turkey, Hungary, China, India, Kurdistan, Italy, Israel and many more).
Participants from previous events:
1. Over 500 businessmen, from various sectors: investors, owners, directors, representatives of companies etc;
2. Economic councilors from several Embassies, such as: Hungary, South Africa, Poland, Peru, Malaysia, Indonesia.
3. Representatives of chambers of commerce in: Austria, Africa, Europe and other;
4. Representatives of companies with representation in Italy, Turkey, Moldova, Kurdistan, Cyprus, Bulgaria, India, China, Netherlands, Kuwait, Spain, Africa, UK, Israel etc;
5. Manufacturers, importers, exporters, distribution networks, and others;
6. Finance gurus: banks (CEC, ING, EXIMBANK, GARANTI, RAIFFEISEN ), financial consultants (European funds, state aid), private investors, insurance, leasing, etc.;
7. Specialists in promotion services, lobbyists, local authorities, design and construction, IT, etc.;
8. Romanian companies from different district: Arad, Arges, Bacau, Bihor, Bistrita Nasaud, Botosani, Braila, Brasov, Bucuresti, Buzau, Calarasi, Caras Severin, Cluj, Constanta, Dambovita, Dolj , Galati , Giurgiu, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Ialomita, Iasi, Maramures, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Olt, Prahova, Salaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu , Suceava, Teleorman, Timis, Tulcea, Valcea, Vaslui, Vrancea
We could say: Come alone and leave with many friends!
Also, we want you to discover the quality and uniqueness of the food preparations, particularly Dacic recipes (Dacia was the ancient motherland of present Romania) This will be recommended by the chefs of the “La Bordei” Restaurant. (www.la-bordei.ro)
There is no entrance fee. The location is a high class restaurant, where participants pay only for what they consume.
If you wish to participate in this event, please send us an email at dd.xbsenergy@gmail.com, with a short presentation of your company or your product. We would love to put you in touch with the right business people, so we would like to know a little bit about you.
As seats are limited, please confirm your attendance by email or phone mentioned in the attachment.
Make sure you bring a lot of business cards ( 100 ).
We hope that Businessman’s Evening offers your new opportunities to expand and promote the companies from your country. We’re looking forward to see you there, along with your colleagues and friends.
Grupul de firme – CV EXPERT CONTABIL PRO
Contabilitate, Expertiza Extrajudiciara, Audit, Resurse Umane
Reprezentata de Dna. Cristina Georgeta Vintila
Mobil: 072.618.38.47 email office@cv-expertcontabil.ro
Contabilitate, Expertiza Extrajudiciara, Audit, Resurse Umane
Reprezentata de Dna. Cristina Georgeta Vintila
Mobil: 072.618.38.47 email office@cv-expertcontabil.ro
Va recomandam serviciile EXPERT CV EXPERT CONTABIL PRO . “Invatam impreuna cum sa evitam amenzile”,
Multumiri colaboratorilor XBS:
Wise Finance solutions ; General asig Asigurari; IARCH – Arhitectura , WISEsoftware; VP Holding Starsoft – special soft; Avia Motor Dealer Skoda si Brady Trade Dealer Skoda, Ana Plaveti – Cabinet Avocatura, Bronec – Paza si protective; Earhive – Arhivare electronic si fizica, SIR – Hotel, UNITA TURISM– HOTEL, APLITRANS – TRANSPORTURI SI TERMOPROTECTIE, ELTON GRUP – LACTATE, IL TEXTILE, ECO HORTICULTURA; SCOALA SI FESTIVAL DE DANS; GLACIAL PROD – drumuri si poduri, Fil construct; Fabrica de unt Elegance; ROYAL TV
Invitatie la Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri: a XII – a editie 16 DECEMBRIE 2015 + PARTY
Buna ziua,
Avem deosebita placere de a va invita la a XII-a editie a evenimentului “Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri”, eveniment care va avea loc miercuri 16 DECEMBRIE, incepand cu orele 19:00, la Restaurantul La Bordei. Adresa este: bld. Iuliu Maniu nr. 7, Bucuresti.
De asemenea, dorim să sărbătorim această ediție și am pregătit un moment artistic special cu Ioana Lupescu (Asociatia CS “Feel & Dance”). Ea este organizatorul unui festival internațional și un professor de dans complex (Tango, Salsa, Lindy Hop), este un arbitru și trainer în Federația română cu multe premii câștigate (www.lectiidedans.ro). Ea are experienta in lucrul cu companii internationale și va aduce o atmosferă specială la aceasta întâlnire, cu un scurt moment special și va participa la petrecerea organizata după întâlnirea noastră de socializare.

Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri este un eveniment care se organizeaza lunar si ofera fiecarui participant posibilitatea sa interactioneze intr-un cadru relaxant, cu un numar mare de persoane, unde sa cunoasca si sa descopere parteneri noi din tara si din strainatate. Puteti viziona un reportaj, aceesand linkul Video link- “Businessman’s Evening”
Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri este evenimentul care-si propune sa aduca fata in fata oameni de afaceri din domenii diferite (financiar, investitori, producatori, constructori, prestari servicii si altele), avand ca scop cunoasterea de noi clienti, parteneri si colaboratori in vederea dezvoltarii afacerii dumneavoastra, atat in Romania cat si pe alte piete externe (Africa, Turcia, Ungaria, India, Kurdistan, China, Italia, Israel si multe altele).
La evenimentele anterioare au participat:
1. Peste 500 de oameni de afaceri din care: investitori, patroni, directori, reprezentanti a unor companii, etc;
2. Consulii economici de la Ambasadele: Ungaria, Africa de Sud, Polonia, Peru, Malaiezia, Indonezia;
3. Reprezentati ai camerelor de comert din: Austria, Africa, Europa;
4. Reprezentati ai unor companii care lucreaza in Italia, Turcia, Moldova, Kurdistan, Cipru, Bulgaria,India, China, Olanda, Kuwait, Spania, Israel, UK etc;
5. Producatori, Importatori, Exportatori, Retele de distributie si altele;
6. Finantatori: banci (CEC, ING, EXIMBANK, GARANTI, RAIFFEISEN ), consultanti financiari (fonduri europene, ajutor de stat), investitori privati, asigurari, leasing etc;
7. Specialisti in servicii de promovare, lobby, autoritati locale, proiectare si constructii, IT, etc;
8. Judete participante: Arad, Arges, Bacau, Bihor, Bistrita Nasaud, Botosani, Braila, Brasov, Bucuresti, Buzau, Calarasi, Caras Severin, Cluj, Constanta, Dambovita, Dolj , Galati , Giurgiu, Gorj, Harghita, Hunedoara, Ialomita, Iasi, Maramures, Mehedinti, Mures, Neamt, Olt, Prahova, Salaj, Satu Mare, Sibiu , Suceava, Teleorman, Timis, Tulcea, Valcea, Vaslui, Vrancea
Am putea spune: Vii singur si pleci cu multi prieteni!
Deasemenea, dorim sa descoperiti calitatea si unicitatea preparatelor, in special preparatele DACICE, recomandate de bucatarii restaurantului La Bordei (www.la-bordei.ro).
Deoarece locurile sunt limitate, va rog sa confirmati prezenta pe adresa de email sau telefon, mentionate pe invitatia din atasament.
Nu exista taxa de participare. Locatia propusa este la un restaurant de inalta clasa, unde participantii platesc doar ceea ce consuma.
Daca doriti sa participati la acest eveniment, va recomandam sa trimiteti o confirmare la adresa: dd.xbsenergy@gmail.com sau la telefon. Indicat ar fi sa adaugati si o prezentare a companiei, a institutiei sau a produselor pe care doriti sa le reprezentati, astfel incat echipa XBS, cunoscand activitate dvs, sa va puna in contact cu potentiali parteneri.
Va recomandam ca la acest eveniment sa aveti la dumneavoastra cel putin 100 carti de vizita.
In speranta ca evenimentul “Seara Oamenilor de Afaceri” va ofera noi ocazii de extindere si promovare a afacerilor din tara dumneavoastra, va asteptam cu placere, inclusiv cu parteneri sau colaboratori.
Grupul de firme – CV EXPERT CONTABIL PRO
Contabilitate, Expertiza Extrajudiciara, Audit, Resurse Umane
Reprezentata de Dna. Cristina Georgeta Vintila
Mobil: 072.618.38.47 email office@cv-expertcontabil.ro
Contabilitate, Expertiza Extrajudiciara, Audit, Resurse Umane
Reprezentata de Dna. Cristina Georgeta Vintila
Mobil: 072.618.38.47 email office@cv-expertcontabil.ro
Va recomandam serviciile EXPERT CV EXPERT CONTABIL PRO . “Invatam impreuna cum sa evitam amenzile”,
Multumiri colaboratorilor XBS:
Wise Finance solutions ; General asig Asigurari; IARCH – Arhitectura , WISEsoftware; VP Holding Starsoft – special soft; Avia Motor Dealer Skoda si Brady Trade Dealer Skoda, Ana Plaveti – Cabinet Avocatura, Bronec – Paza si protective; Earhive – Arhivare electronic si fizica, SIR – Hotel, UNITA TURISM– HOTEL, APLITRANS – TRANSPORTURI SI TERMOPROTECTIE, ELTON GRUP – LACTATE, IL TEXTILE, ECO HORTICULTURA; SCOALA SI FESTIVAL DE DANS; GLACIAL PROD – drumuri si poduri, Fil construct; Fabrica de unt Elegance; ROYAL TV