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                                                                                                       Erbil International Fair Ground                                                                                                                                                                                                 02 – 05 September 2013

 We are pleased to announce that 3rd Erbil International Oil & Gas Exhibition will be organized in Erbil, Iraq on September 2-5, 2013. The event, officially supported by the Ministry of Oil will be held at the Erbil International Fair Ground which is one of the largest energy related events in Iraq and 3rd Erbil Oil & Gas is the only sector event approved by UFI in northern region of Iraq.

2nd Erbil Oil & Gas Exhibition concluded on the 6th September 2012 with 51 exhibitors and 5000 visitor numbers. This was one of the massive events of Northern Iraq region dealing with oil and gas sectors. 1782 people visited the event on the first day. 2nd Erbil International Oil and Gas Exhibition hosted professional traders and delegates as trade visitors. Government associates, engineers and decision makers from natural oil company, construction sector, engineering construction & contracting services, financial services, project consultancy, repair services, trade associations, transportation, storage & handling came to the show in large numbers. For both regional and international companies, this exhibition provided a platform to assess the products and technologies available to local companies.

After the great success of 2nd Erbil Oil & Gas, 90% of the participants confirmed their willingness to participate in the 3rd edition of Erbil Oil & Gas. Whereas the interest from the industry has been in sharp increase, we now invite you to kindly join us in 3rd Erbil Oil & Gas Exhibition 2013 in order to take advantage of the immense business opportunities that Kurdistan region offers.


Hogir Yalda

Regional Sales Manager-Kurdistan/Iraq

korek Tel  : 00964-750-4943210

Asia  Cell  : 00964-770-6513210

Emails       : hogir@pyramidsfaireg.com


Skype       : hogir.yalda

Websites  : www.pyramidsfair.com       


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Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq (KRG.org) – The Head of the Department of Foreign Relations, Minister Falah Mustafa, this week welcomed the arrival of new Korean, Dutch and French diplomats posted to the Kurdistan Region.“We are very pleased at the level of international representation that we now see in the Kurdistan Region,” Minister Mustafa said. “The international presence here represents the tremendous growth that Kurdistan continues to see, and we are confident that their partnership will help sustain and accelerate this growth for many years to come,” he added.

The first Dutch diplomat to be officially posted to the Kurdistan Region, Mr Jeroen Kelderhuis, also arrived in Kurdistan this week to finalise the preparations for the upgrading of the Netherlands Honorary Consul to an Embassy Liaison Office in Erbil.

Replacing his predecessor Mr Joo Joong-Chul, Consul General Younhyon Kim assumed his role as the new Head of the Republic of Korea’s Embassy Office in Erbil this week. The new Consul General was also accompanied in his introductory meeting with Minister Mustafa by the new Head of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Mr Eunsub Kim.

The Consul General of the Republic of France, Mr Alain Guépratte, also accepted his new role in the Region this week. Mr Guépratte previously served as a senior official at the Embassy of France in Baghdad, and he has been in Iraq for over two years.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has welcomed and encouraged the establishment of international representations in Kurdistan in order to provide a positive and supportive environment for international investment, as well as for cooperation and coordination in educational and cultural affairs.

Since the establishment of the KRG Department of Foreign Relations in 2007, 25 consulates and foreign offices have been opened in the Region, and this number continues to grow. These offices provide a direct link of communication with their respective governments, and many of them provide visa assistance, as well as support for the citizens of their home countries residing in Kurdistan.

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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—An official source from the Kurdish government has told Rudaw that Hollywood star Angelina Jolie arrives in the Kurdistan Region on Saturday to visit Syrian refugee camps.

“Angelina Jolie will arrive in the Kurdistan Region at 5 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, and she will be the guest of the United Nations for two days,” said the source.

Jolie who was appointed in April as Special Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), plans to visit refugee camps in Kurdistan Region’s Duhok province where hundreds of Kurdish families fleeing the violence in Syria are settled.

“She will visit the refugee camps of Kurdish families on Sunday,” the source told Rudaw.

This trip to the Kurdistan Region comes following visits by Jolie to camps in Turkey and Jordan where she and UNHCR commissioner Antonio Guterres met with Syrian refugees.

“With the violence in the conflict showing no signs of easing up and the numbers (of refugees) growing… it is a very large concern for all of us,” Jolie told the media in Ankara.

Dumiz is the largest Syrian refugee camp in Duhok. Muhammad Abdullah Hamo, director of immigration in Duhok told Rudaw last month that his office had registered 13, 721 Syrian refugees.

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On 12 March 2012 the Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation had hosted, in the framework of celebrating 90 years of political relation between Romanian and Iraq, the Conference IRAQ: PAST AND PRESENT having as special contributor His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea opens the CONFERENCE -IRAQ: PAST AND PRESENT -12 March 2012

The conference has enjoyed the presence of Romanian academic community, Doctoral School of International Relations, experts in international relations, diplomats, journalists and historians.

Opening the conference, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea highlighted the main elements of the Iraqi-Romanian bilateral relations calendar for 2012.

This year is marking the 90 years anniversary of establishing political dialogue between Romania and Iraq, 25 years  from the last public conference presenting Iraqi realities to Romanian public ( last public conference was held in 1987) and the celebration of 30 years from the highest level of economic bilateral relations , registered in 1982, with a level of bilateral trade reaching 386 million dollars ( over 800 million dollars at present day US dollar value), this level of economic exchange being just a sign of the viability and amplitude of the bilateral economic exchanges.

Fallowing this extensive presentation of the bilateral relations landmarks celebrated in 2012 by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea the fallowing speakers presented their salute for His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq and for the personalities present to conference.

The welcoming speeches where held among others by Honorary President of Academic Community- Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, Professor Dr. Petru Buneci, Professor dr. Academician Mircea Constantinescu etc.

Key note speech of the CONFERENCE IRAK: PAST AND PRESENT held by His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq.

The key speech of the conference was held by His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq. His report  emphasized on the historical evolution of Iraq, from the time of Summer civilization to Assyrian Empire, culminating with the arrival of Islam and with the moment of Karbala martyrdom of Imam Hussein and the fracture between the rulers, the guardians of power of this world and the oppressed of all social strata in search of a better future , a fracture that will mark the history of Iraq.

The ample historical fresco presented to the audience by the Ambassador of Iraq had also draw the attention of the public to the Ottoman legacy and to the independence fight concluding the modern history of Iraq with the moment of 1958 revolution.

The recent history of Iraq was vivid reconstructed with an emphasizing on the difficult moments that confronted Iraq society under the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, but also on the positive aspects of today`s Iraq.

Ambassador MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI had made an enthusiastic presentation of Iraq today`s developments including: democratic credentials, building a civil society, constructing a free market economy and a rapid economic development.

These elements are charting the profile of a society that is not perfect, but is aware of his weaknesses and is trying his best to remedy them, and this is the essence of progress.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea announced : unanimity of votes for His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq- BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011

Marking the final moments of the conference, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and Academician Constantin Balacanu Stolnici requested an appreciation vote and a thanking manifestation for His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI and for Iraq and in a unanimous response the audience pay homage to an exceptional and sophisticated academic speech approving the handing on ceremony of the title of BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011 to His Excellency  MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI – Iraq Ambassador .

The Conference IRAQ: PAST AND PRESENT has re-candled the tradition of presenting Iraq realities to the Romanian academic community, after a 25 years hiatus and laid the foundation of a better mutual knowledge and appreciation of the progresses made by Iraq in the last span of time.

Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, prof.dr. Petru Buneci, Minister Petru Lificiu and Professor Dr. Anton Caragea bestow the Certificate for BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011 to  His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI- Ambassador of Iraq

The great response from the Romanian side to the conference and bestowing the title of BEST AMBASSADOR FOR 2011 to His Excellency MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI – Ambassador of Iraq, had stated a clear signal on the importance that Romania is attaching not only to reward an outstanding diplomatic activity but also to mark an important relation for Romanian people: the relation with Iraq.


In data de 12 martie 2012 Institutul de Relatii Internationale si Cooperare Economica a organizat, cu ocazia implinirii a 90 de ani de relatii politice intre Romania si Irak ,  Conferinta IRAK- TRECUT SI PREZENT, sustinuta de Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului .

Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea deschide Conferinta: IRAK- TRECUT SI PREZENT

Conferinta s-a bucurat de prezenta comunitatii academice din Romania, a  reprezentantilor Scolii doctorale de relatii internationale, experti in relatii internationale, diplomati, jurnalisti si istorici.

In deschiderea conferintei prof.dr.Anton Caragea a prezentat principalele elemente ale calendarului relatiei bilaterale Romania-Irak pentru anul 2012.

In acest an se marcheza 90 de ani de relatii politice intre Romania si Irak ,  25 de ani de la ultima conferinta publica dedicata Irakului ( conferinta ce a avut loc in 1987) si implinirea a 30 de ani de la varful relatiilor economice bilaterale , anul 1982, cand volumul comertului bilateral a depasit suma de 386 de milioane de dolari ( peste 800 de milioane de dolari la cursul actual) dand un semnal al viabilitatii relatiei economice bilaterale.

Dupa aceasta prezentare a stadiului actual al relatiei bilaterale au urmat cuvintele de bun sosit adresate  Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului si auditoriului conferintei.

Discursurile de bun sosit au fost rostite de Presedinte -Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, prof.univ.dr. Petru Buneci, prof.univ.dr. academician Mircea Constantinescu etc.

Discursul central al Conferintei sustinut de Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului.

In discursul central al conferintei,  Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului a prezentat o ampla fresca istorica  a devenirii Irakului, incepand cu perioada sumeriana , continuand cu perioada asiriana si apoi cu sosirea islamului si momentul definitoriu al separarii intre cei care detin puterea in lume si oprimatii, din toate straturile sociale in cautarea unei vieti mai bune si a dreptatii.

Prezentarea elementelor cheie ale istoriei Irakului a continuat, trecand prin perioada otomana , apoi a  mandatului britanic si apoi perioada independentei ,a revolutiei din 1958 si trecutul apropiat , al perioadei lui Saddam Hussein, au fost viu reconstruite in discursul ambasadorului irakian.

Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI a construit apoi un amplu expozeu al realitatilor Irakului de astazi : dezvoltarea democratica, construirea societatii civile , construirea unei economii de piata, cresterea economica rapida, toate creeaza portretul unei societati, care nu este perfecta, dar care este constienta de lipsurile sale si doreste sa le repare cat mai rapid.

Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea anunta rezultatul , in unanimitate, Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului este declarat CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR AL ANULUI 2011.

La finalul conferintei prof.dr.Anton Caragea si Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici  au solicitat un vot de apreciere si de multumire pentru Excelenta Sa MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului.

In unanimitate cei prezenti au salutat un discurs si un demers academic de exceptie inmanand titlul de CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR al ANULUI 2011 Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului .

 Conferinta  IRAK : TRECUT SI PREZENT a reluat traditia prezentarii realitatilor  irakiene in fata comunitatii academice romanesti, dupa un hiatus de 25 de ani si a pus bazele unei mai bune cunoasteri reciproce si a aprecierii progreselor facute de Irak in ultimii ani .

Academician Constantin Balaceanu Stolnici, prof.dr. Petru Buneci, Petru Lificiu-ministru si Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea ofera certificatul pentru CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR AL ANULUI 2011 Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului.

Desfasurarea cu o larga participare romanesca a conferintei, entuziasmul comunitatii academice si acordarea titlului de  CEL MAI BUN AMBASADOR AL ANULUI 2011 Excelentei Sale MOHAMMED SAEED AL SHAKARCHI -Ambasadorul Irakului au reprezentat un semnal clar de incurajare si de apreciere   pentru o activitate meritorie si o relatie importanta pentru Romania : relatia cu Irakul.

Sursa: centrul diplomatic

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În perioada 5-10 mai 2012, se va organiza o misiune economică pe profil de construcţii în Irak, în oraşele Erbil şi Suleiymaniah

Patronatul Societăţilor din Construcţii – PSC şi Asociaţia Producătorilor de Materiale pentru Construcţii din România – APMCR, invită firmele romanesti de profil sa participe la misiunea economica din Irak – orasele Erbil si Suleiymaniah, organizata in perioada 5 – 10 mai a.c., impreuna cu Ministerul Economiei, Comertului si Mediului de Afaceri si Centrul Roman pentru Promovarea Comertului si Investitii Straine.
Actiunea face parte din programul de susţinere şi promovare a exportului cu finanţare de la bugetul de stat pe anul 2012, al Ministerului Economiei, Comertului si Mediului de Afaceri si vizeaza promovarea serviciilor, materialelor, echipamentelor şi accesoriilor pentru construcţii civile şi industriale, in conditiile OUG nr. 120 / 2002, a HG 296/2007 şi a Ordinului nr. 1609/2007 (cu anexa 2 si anexa 4) privind organizarea misiunilor economice.

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In perioada 23-26 aprilie 2012, la Bagdad, se va desfasura cea de-a 2-a Expozitie si Conferinta Nationala Iraq Energy.Evenimentul, organizat de Camera de Comert si Industrie Irakiano-Americana, reprezinta o oportunitate pentru contactarea factorilor de decizie si promovarea pe piata irakiana a companiilor romanesti.Expozitia se va desfasura sub patronajul Ministerului Petrolului, Ministerului Electricitatii, Ministerului Stiintei si Tehnologiei, Ministerului Resurselor de Apa. Participarea la dezvoltarea sectorului energetic irakian, in particular in domeniul petrolier si al productiei de energie electrica, este o oportunitate de afaceri semnificativa.

Iraq Energy EXPO and Conference este un eveniment promotional oficial, sprijinit de Ministerul Petrolului si de cele 22 de companii subordonate acestuia.

Pentru documentarea cu privire la manifestare pot fi utilizate urmatoarele website-uri:

1) Iraq Ministry of Oil, http://www.oil.gov.iq/moo/index.php?lang=en

2) Iraq Ministry of Oil, State Company for Oil Projects, http://www.scop.gov.iq/index.htm

3) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Iraq Drilling Company, http://idc.gov.iq/Site/Default.aspx

4) Official web site National Iraq Energy EXPO and Conference

5) Official Iraq Ministry of Oil web site with direct link to conference Iraq Ministry of Oil

6)Ministry of Electricity http://www.iraqenergyexpo.com/2011/supportletters/MoE/MoE-SD.html

7) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Heavy Engineering Equipments, http://heesco-iraq.com

8) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Oil Pipelines Company, http://www.oilpipelinescompany.org

9) Iraq Ministry of Oil, South Gas Company, http://www.sgciraq.com

10) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Missan Oil Company, http://www.moc.oil.gov.iq

11) Iraq Ministry of Oil, Petroleum Research & Developing Center, http://www.prdc.gov.iq

Sursa: BPCE Bagdad

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Tuesday, February 14 to Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Hilton Jumeirah Hotel, Dubai

The Middle East energy market has enormous potential for insurers housing over half of the world’s oil reserves and a third of natural gas reserves. With recent political unrest in the region driving up oil prices the growth in energy projects is set to continue unabated with the Arab Petroleum Investment Corporation predicting $530 billion in investment in the next 5 years. This in turn is set to drive demand for insurance for energy projects. The recent events of the Arab Spring have also served to heighten awareness of energy risks in the region and the need for companies to have sufficient insurance cover in place such as business interruption for projects. Keeping abreast of the rapidly changing energy landscape is vital for both risk managers and their insurers. Following the success of our inaugural event in February, C5’s energy insurance forum returns to bring you a comprehensive analysis of the risks and opportunities for insurers in this diverse region. Gain expert advice and guidance on some of the hottest issues in energy insurance: What offshore construction projects are occurring in the MENA region and what are the technical challenges arising from them? How the energy market is being affected by geopolitical issues The outlook for nuclear power in the Middle East following Fukoshima – Developments in nuclear energy in the region Assessing the adequacy of asset values that have been proposed for insurers – how have the values been arrived at and what is the substitute for a replacement cost?

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Sub patronajul, dl Hadi Al-Amiri, ministrul irakian al Transporturilor, suntem mândri să vă anunţăm că va avea loc în hotelul Al Rasheed din Bagdad ” Summit-ul infrastructurii de transport din Irak “. Evenimentul se desfăşoară în Irak in perioada pe 26 şi 27 februarie 2012 si va oferi posibilitatea participarea mai multor experţii irakieni şi înalţi funcţionari din diferite sectoare de activitate din Irak.

Guvernul irakian realizează rolul pe care comunitatea internaţională îl poate juca în furnizarea de cele mai recente tehnologii şi expertiza necesare in Irak, în scopul de a moderniza infrastructura de transport. Ministerul va participa la cel mai înalt nivel iar funcţionari de cel mai inalt nivel vor avea intalniri private pentru a discuta în detaliu  ofertele şi oportunităţile în curs, inclusiv proiectele de viitor pe care Irakul intenţionează să pună în aplicare.

După decenii de sancţiuni, acţiune militară şi de o creştere a populaţiei, infrastructura de transport a Irakului are nevoie mai mult ca oricând, atât pentru renovarea retelei existente şi construirea de noi proiecte, în special în zonele defavorizate,  de Sud, de Nord şi Kurdistan din Irak.

Oportunităţi de investiţii în sectorul de transport Irakului

Irak-ul o avere naturala neexploatata, şi o infrastructură neglijata creaza numeroase oportunităţi de investiţii în industria de transport. Domeniile de investiţii potenţiale includ:


Ca şi în cele mai multe ţări, drumurile şi podurile sunt o linie importanta pentru creşterea economică. Irakul are mai mult de 44.000 de km de autostrăzi pavate, precum şi de un sistem extins de drumuri rurale neasfaltate. Sistemul de autostrăzi şi poduri oferă oportunitati de transport de suprafaţă de conectare Irak la vecinii săi şi serveşte ca un catalizator pentru creşterea economică. O reţea de drumuri integrata sprijină turismul şi conectează populaţia ţării din orase la serviciile esenţiale, promovând în acelaşi timp comerţul intern.

Multe din drumurile şi podurile privind sistemul naţional de autostrazi au fost pavate şi construite la sfârşitul anilor 1970 pana la începutul anilor 1980 şi au fost proiectate cu o durata de viata 20 ani. O mare parte din această infrastructură are nevoie de reabilitare extensivă şi de înlocuire. În plus, au apărut noi orase, creând nevoia de extindere a sistemului de autostrăzi la nivel naţional. Bugetul alocat pentru a se reabilita sau înlocui drumurile pavate este estimata la $ 1 milion USD per kilometru, cerinţele actuale de investiţii în infrastructura rutieră din Irak pentru reabilitare depăşeşte $ 40B USD.

Aviaţia civilă:

Sectorului aviaţiei civile din Irak se îndreaptă spre conformitate cu Standardele Aviaţiei Civile Internaţionale iar industria aviaţiei irakieni continuă reabilitarea flotei sale îmbătrânite. Autoritatea Aviaţiei Civile Irakiana (ICAA) urmăreşte să transforme sistemul în domeniul aviaţiei civile, într-un sistem bazat pe rezultate, bazate pe valori de organizare a aviaţiei profesionisti dedicata excelentei pe teren şi în cer. Factorul critic de succes pentru aceasta, va fi un mediu care promovează respectarea cu Organizaţia Aviaţiei Civile Internaţionale (OACI), standardele şi practicile recomandate (SARP). Economia globală este în ce mai integrată. Un sistem robust aviaţiei civile ar oferi Irakului,  acces sporit la pieţele mondiale şi legături între întreprinderile din întreaga lume.

Recent, rutele de avion au fost reluate de la inceput, din 1990, inclusiv noi rute, ca de exemplu Londra, Atena şi Viena, în plus faţă de rutele existente. Irakul este si permite, de asemenea, operatorilor privaţi să concureze pe piaţa transportului aerian şi se lucrează la atragerea de investiţii pentru modernizarea atât mai mult, a flotei şi de infrastructură, cum ar fii inaugurarea recentă a noului Aeroportul Internaţional din nord, din Mosul.

Aviaţia permite circulaţia persoanelor şi a bunurilor şi funcţionează ca o piatra de temelie a creşterii economice. Fie că este vorba angajarea persoanelor, mărfurilor în mişcare, sau se deplasează oamenii,  aviaţia este esenţială pentru creşterea economică. Potrivit International Air Transport Association, “investiţiile în capacitate de transport aerian în ţările în curs de dezvoltare sau în tranziţie, în cazul în care conexiunea este în prezent relativ scăzuta, va avea un impact mult mai mare asupra productivităţii lor şi in succesul economic decât la un nivel similar de investiţii într-o ţară relativ dezvoltate “Ca o ţară în curs de dezvoltare, potenţialul Irakului este extraordinar în industria aviaţiei. Investiţii în sistemul de aviaţie din Irak oferă numeroase oportunităţi, inclusiv operaţiunile de aeroport şi de gestionare, precum şi concesionarea aeroportului.


Porturile maritime din Irak, sunt principala poartă de intrare pentru importul şi exportul de mărfuri şi, de asemenea, oferă un punct de intrare pentru pasageri. Porturile din Irak sunt deţinute şi operate de guvernul. MT şi Compania Generala pentru Porturi (GCPI) din Irak se aştepta ca porturile din Irak să facă legătura punte dintre Extremul Orient şi Occident în timp ce servesc ca un catalizator economic şi modul de bunăstarea poporului din Irak. Porturile din Irak se străduiesc să funcţioneze eficient şi eficace, utilizând bunele practici de afaceri şi respectarea standardelor definite de către Organizaţia Maritimă Internaţională. Porturile din Irak sunt active strategice naţionale care contribuie la securitatea naţională, dezvoltarea economică şi stabilitatea politică. GCPI detine si controleaza porturile irakian Umm Qasr a, Al Khor Zubair, Abu Fulus şi Al-Maqal.

Porturile sunt spaţioase şi adaptabile la extinderea în continuare. GCPI a sistemelor şi procedurilor în vigoare, deşi îmbunătăţirea eficienţei operaţionale şi investiţiile în infrastructuri sunt necesare. Forţa de muncă irakiana este capabil să se ocupe de cerinţele operaţionale actuale, dar vor beneficia de instruire suplimentară cu privire la practicile moderne de exploatare portuară şi a procedurilor. Infrastructurile portuare existente pot fi îmbunătăţite şi modernizate ca să se ocupe de sarcina de lucru actuale şi viitoare. Bugetul alocat în infrastructură  variază de la $ 250MUSD la $ 500M USD.

Cai ferate:

Irakian Railroad Republica (RIR) este unul din principalele moduri de transport de suprafaţă pentru importul şi exportul de bunuri şi eficiente ridicării mărfuri în vrac şi a transportului pasagerilor în interiorul ţării. RIR este deţinut şi operat de către guvern. Irakul este axat pe transportul în siguranţă al containerelor, de mărfuri  în vrac şi de pasageri într-un cost mediu cu o schimbare eficientă şi sigură. In acelaşi timp menţinerea standardelor de siguranţă şi de funcţionare sunt definite de către Uniunea Internaţională a Căilor Ferate. MT şi RIR cu speranţa ca calea ferată va servi ca o opţiune primara de transport de suprafaţă, o schimbare cu clienţii din Europa, Orientul Îndepărtat şi în timp ce statele din Golf, de asemenea, funcţionează ca un catalizator de creştere economică.

RIR compune din 2.405 km de cale ferată, 109 staţii, 31 locomotive şi 1685 de unităţi de material rulant. Investiţiile recente ($ 40M USD) într-un centru de control al trenurilor pe bază de calculator şi sistemul de comunicare sunt începutul unui program de modernizare larg pentru sistemul feroviar. Irakul continuă negocierile în in ceea ce priveşte stabilirea de legături feroviare cu Turcia, Kuweit şi Arabia Saudită pentru a finaliza o ruta continuă de cale ferata euro-Golf . Investiţiile în sprijinirea facilităţi, cum ar fi terminale de containere inter-modulare şi privatizarea operaţiunilor în cadrul unui contract de management unificat în continuare să fie zone de interes pentru sistemul feroviar din Irak.

Irakul a anuntat un buget de 60 de miliarde de $, pentru a reabilita infrastructura feroviară. Proiectele implică construirea şi reabilitarea a sase linii de cale ferată majore, care vor forma reteaua feroviara naţionala Irakiana atunci când acestea sunt finalizate în 2014, conform planificării.

Delegaţia oficială

Delegaţia guvernului irakian va cuprinde înalţi funcţionari, directori generali, ministri şi consilieri ai ministerelor unde toti participa cu scopul principal de a intalni si discuta faţă-în-faţă cu directorii de top din cele mai bune companii si organizatii din lume ca de exemplu.

Compania de Stat pentru Căilor Ferate
Compania de Stat pentru proiectele de transport
Compania de Stat pentru Linii aeriene
Compania de Stat a Aviaţiei Civile
Compania de Stat pentru Managementul transportului privat
Compania de Stat pentru Porturi irakieni
Compania de Stat pentru transport maritim
Compania de Stat pentru Transport rutier
Compania de Stat pentru Managementul transportului privat
Compania de Stat pentru Transport de Pasageri şi delegaţiilor
Comisia de Stat pentru Meteorologie şi cutremure de monitorizare
Consultantul de Guvern pentru Transport
Parlamentul European Transport Comitetul
Biroul de Inspector General de Transport
Autoritatea de Investiţii Irak
Primaria Bagdad
Direcţia Generală pentru Protecţia infrastructurii de transport

Suport International

Summit-ul infrastructurii de transport din Irak colaboreaza strâns cu comunitatea internaţională pentru a se asigura că au o reprezentare puternică şi vor face parte din sesiuni private din cadrul mesei rotunde. Vom gasi oficialii care reprezinta:

International Air Transport Association IATA
Banca Mondială
Banca Asiatică de Dezvoltare
Departamentul american de Comert
Ambasada SUA la Bagdad

Formatul evenimentului

Evenimentele organizate de Entico au succes la nivel înalt, fiecare summit are un format unic similar care să asigure companiile participante au posibilitatea de a intra în discuţii bilaterale şi contractuale cu ministerele şi reprezentatii oficialii.

Summit-ul va avea loc pe parcursul a două zile, dimineaţa de 26 şi 27 februarie unde se vor vedea cu fiecare reprezentant de sector care oferă o imagine de ansamblu a strategiei lor şi a cerinţelor, în timp ce adjuncţii lor şi generalilor director vor furniza informaţii tehnice specifice şi a posibilităţilor de contract.

Dupa-amiaza vor fi intalniri private de discuţie stabilite pentru fiecare director general si funcţionarii acestor întreprinderile de stat contractante. Sponsorii confirmati şi delegaţii vor avea posibilitatea de a alege ce întâlniri prefera intr-un program cu o varietate de oportunitati de branding şi prezentări disponibile.

Participarea în calitate de sponsor este disponibila numai prin intermediul Corporaţiei Entico.

Cine ar trebui să participe?

Participarea este importanta pentru toate companiile de top, care care nu sunt doar în căutarea de a construi relaţii puternice în Irak, dar poate ajuta, de asemenea, cu următoarele cerinţe urgente:

Construire şi modernizare: metrou, feroviar, rutier, portuare şi aeroportuare logistică şi infrastructură
Instalare sisteme inteligente şi soluţii pentru a îmbunătăţi transportul urban şi naţionale
Instalarea şi îmbunătăţi comunicaţiile şi soluţii de securitate pentru infrastructura de transport noi şi cele existente
Personalul de formare şi dezvoltare pentru un management sigur, securizat reţelelor de transport
Protecţia infrastructurilor critice pentru căile ferate, porturi şi aeroporturi

Puteti viziona cateva fotografii acesand  galeria foto

The Summit

Under the patronage of H.E, Mr. Hadi Al-Amiri, the Iraqi Minister of Transportation, we are proud to announce that the ‘Iraq Transportation Infrastructure Summit’ will now take place in the Al Rasheed hotel Baghdad on the 26th and 27th February 2012. The event being held in Iraq will give opportunity for a much wider participation by the Iraqi experts and senior officials from different sectors in Iraq.

The Iraqi government realizes the role the international community can play in providing the latest technologies and expertise required by Iraq in order to modernize its transport infrastructure. This Ministry will participate at the highest level and senior officials will take private meetings to discuss in-depth the tenders offered and ongoing opportunities and future projects that Iraq intends to implement.

After decades of sanctions, military action and a population growth, Iraq’s Transport infrastructure is in more need than ever for both the renovation of existing and the building of new projects, particularly in the disadvantaged areas – under the old regime – of Southern, Northern and Iraq’s Kurdistan.

Opportunities for Investment in Iraq’s Transportation Sector

Iraq’s untapped natural wealth, decades of under-investment, and a neglected infrastructure create numerous investment opportunities within the transportation industry. Areas of potential investment include:


As with most countries, roads and bridges are a primary lifeline for economic growth. Iraq has more than 44,000 km of paved highways, as well as an extensive rural unpaved road system. The highway and bridge system provides the primary surface transportation links connecting Iraq to its neighbours and serves as a catalyst for economic growth. An integrated road network supports tourism and connects the country’s population centres to essential services, while promoting internal commerce.

Many of the roads and bridges on the national highway system were paved and constructed in the late 1970s and early 1980s and were designed with a 20 year lifespan. Much of this infrastructure is in need of extensive rehabilitation and replacement. In addition, new population centres have emerged, creating the need for expansion of the highway system on a national level. With funding necessary to rehabilitate or replace paved roads estimated at $1M USD per kilometre, current investment requirements in Iraq’s road infrastructure for rehabilitation exceed $40B USD.

Civil Aviation:

Iraq’s civil aviation sector is moving toward compliance with International Civil Aviation Standards as  Iraqi Aviation industry continues to rehabilitate its aging fleet. The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) seeks to transform Iraq’s civil aviation system into a results-based, value-driven organization of aviation professionals dedicated to excellence on the ground and in the skies. The critical success factor for this excellence will be an environment that promotes compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS). The global economy is increasingly integrated. A robust civil aviation system would provide Iraq with increased access to world markets and links between businesses throughout the world.

Recently, flights have been resumed for the first times, since 1990, to new routes including London, Athens and Vienna in addition to the existing routes. Iraq is also allowing private operators to compete in the air transport market and is working on attracting more investment to modernise both; fleet and infrastructure such us the recent inauguration of the new Mosul International Airport in the north.

Aviation enables the movement of people and goods and functions as a cornerstone of economic growth. Whether it is employing people, moving goods, or moving people, aviation is critical to economic growth. According to the International Air Transport Association, “investment in air transport capacity in developing or transition countries, where connectivity is currently relatively low, will have a much larger impact on their productivity and economic success than a similar level of investment in a relatively developed country.” As a developing country, Iraq’s potential is bright in the aviation industry. Investment in Iraq’s aviation system offers many opportunities, including airport operations and management, as well as airport concessions.


Maritime ports serve Iraq as the primary gateway for the import and export of goods and also provide an entry point for passengers. The ports of Iraq are owned and operated by the Government of Iraq. The MoT and the General Company for Ports (GCPI) of Iraq envision the ports of Iraq as the connection bridging the Far East and the West while serving as an economic catalyst and providing for the welfare of the people of Iraq. The ports of Iraq strive to operate efficiently and effectively, using sound business practices and meeting standards defined by the International Maritime Organization. Iraq’s ports are strategic national assets that contribute to national security, economic development and political stability. GCPI owns and controls the Iraqi ports of Umm Qasr, Khor Al Zubair, Abu Fulus and Al-Maqal.

The ports are spacious and adaptable to further expansion. GCPI has systems and procedures in place, though improvements in operational efficiency and infrastructure investment are needed. The Iraqi work force is able to handle current operational demands, but would benefit from additional training on modern port operating practices and procedures. Existing port infrastructure can be improved upon and modernized to handle the current and future work load. Estimated infrastructure investment needs range from $250MUSD to $500M USD.


The Iraqi Republic Railroad (IRR) is one of the main modes of surface transportation for the import and export of goods and efficient hauling of bulk commodities and passengers within the country. The IRR is owned and operated by the government. Iraq is focused on the safe transport of containers, bulk  commodities and passengers in a cost efficient and safe environment while maintaining safety and operating standards defined by the International Union of Railways. The MoT and the IRR hope the railroad will serve as a primary surface transportation option, connecting customers in Europe, the Far East and the Gulf States while also serving as an economic growth catalyst.

The IRR consists of 2,405 kilometres of track, 109 stations, 31 locomotives and 1,685 units of rolling stock. Recent investments ($40M USD) in a state-of-the-art computer based train control and microwave communication system are the beginning of a broad modernization program for the rail system. Iraq continues intermittent negotiations concerning the establishment of rail links with Turkey, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia to complete a continuous Euro-Gulf rail route. Investment in supporting facilities such as inter-modal container terminals and privatisation of operations under a unified management contract continue to be areas of interest for Iraq’s rail system.

Iraq announced $60bn-worth of plans to rehabilitate its rail infrastructure. The projects involve the construction and rehabilitation of six major rail lines that will form Iraq’s national railway network when they are completed as planned in 2014.

The Official Delegation

The Iraqi government delegation will comprise senior officials led by the key deputies, director generals and ministerial advisors all attending with the prime purpose of sitting down face-to-face with top executives from the world’s best of breed companies and organisations.

  • State Company for Railways
  • State Company for Transport Projects
  • State Company for Airlines
  • State Company for Civil Aviation
  • State Company for Private Transport Management
  • State Company for Iraqi Ports
  • State Company for Maritime Transportation
  • State Company for Road Transportation
  • State Company for Private Transport Management
  • State Company for Passengers and Delegations Transportation
  • State Commission for Meteorology and Earthquakes Monitoring
  • Government Advisor for Transportation
  • Parliament Transportation Committee
  • Office of the Transportation Inspector General
  • Iraq Investment Authority
  • Baghdad Municipality
  • General Directorate for Transportation Infrastructure Protection

International Support

The Iraq Transportation Infrastructure Summit work closely with the international community to ensure that they have strong representation and will form part of the private roundtable meeting sessions. Lead officials will be representing from:

  • The International Air Transport Association IATA
  • The World Bank
  • The Asian Development Bank
  • US Department of Commerce
  • US Embassy Baghdad

Event Format

Entico Events has now organised several successful high-level summits each with a similar unique format that ensures participating companies have the opportunity to enter into bilateral and contractual discussions with the ministries and their contracting officials.

The Summit will be held over two days, the mornings of the 26th & 27th will see each sector representative give an overview of their strategy and requirements whilst their deputies and director generals will provide specific technical information and contract opportunities

The afternoons will see private discussion tables set up for each director general, their contracting officials and the state owned enterprises. Confirmed sponsors and delegates will be given a choice of preferred prescheduled meetings with a choice of branding opportunities and tabletop presentations available.

Registration and participation as a sponsor is only available through the Entico Corporation.

Who should attend?

Attendance is important for leading companies that that are not only looking to forge stronger relations in Iraq but can also help with the following urgent requirements:

  • Build and modernize metro, rail, road, port and airport logistics and infrastructure
  • Install intelligent systems and solutions to improve urban and national transportation
  • Install and improve communications & security solutions for new and existing transport infrastructure
  • Personnel training and development for safe, secure management of transportation networks
  • Critical infrastructure protection for railways, ports and airports

The following link from a previous event might help build a picture for you from photo GALERY :

We look forward to welcoming you in Baghdad.

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In perioada 16-19 decembrie 2011, in Erbil ( capitala Kurdistan )  se organizeaza expozitia specializata in petrol si gaz.
Oil & Gas Erbil 2011 are ca scop să creeze o punte intre instituţii guvernamentale, companii nationale  de petrol si gaze, din sectorul privat şi profesioniştii din domeniul si industria cu mare potenţial în nordul Irakului.

Expoziţia de petrol si gaze în regiune va aduce liderii din industria de gaze si petrol din Irak. Participantii vor avea avantajul de a fi primii in contact cu participanti oficiali si recunoscuti din domeniu. Erbil Oil & Gas este conceput pentru a crea expunerea maximă pentru participanti.

Mai multe detalii gasiti accesand : http://www.erbiloilgas.com/index.html

Propun sa mergem la aceasta expozitie in vizita si sa ne vedem si cu cativa reprezentanti ai unor firme care pot devenii distribuitori sau clienti

Obiectivul vizitei si reprezentarii in aceea zona, este acela ca firma dumeavoastra sa descopere oportunitatile existente  si sa se intalneasca cu jucatorii important de profil.

Scopul principal a vizitei este expozitia. In plus ne propunem:
–                      Obtinerea de comenzi si reprezentant zonal pentru  produsele sau serviciile  pe care le oferiti
–                      Deschiderea unei noi porti catre piete vecine ca de ex Siria, Iran, Arabia Saudita  si altele
–                      Intalnirea cu reprezentanti ai autoritatilor locale
–                      Intalnirea cu reprezentanti  ai mai multor companii, diverse institutii si investitori locali
–                      Vizita la proiecte locale in curs de realizare
–                      Asociere cu firme locale
–                      Organizarea  sau participarea la evenimente tip receptii, conferinte de presa, mese rotunde

Pe de alta parte propun sa ne intalnim cu factorii de decizie din cadrul firmelor si autoritatilor locale din zonele de interes ca de ex:

Ministrul de resort ( de ex. petrol si gaze )
Proiecte in lucru
Intalniri individuale
Participarea la inaugurarea unui proiect
Asocierea cu diverse companii locale
Participare la evenimente culturale

Dintre cunostintele personale pe care le am, si cu care incercam sa ne intalnim cu:
1.                   Patronii a 2 retele de benzinarii care au cunostinte la rafinarii
2.                   Un avocat specializat in petrol si gaz in Kurdistna si Irak
3.                   Angajati la firme de explorare din Kurdistan si Irak
4.                   Oameni de afaceri care intentioneaza sa construiasca rafinarii
5.                   Distribuitori de tevi si piese in domeniu petrolier

Aveti mai jos lista cu persoanele vizate pe care le cunosc personal.

Pentru mai multe  detalii va stau cu placere la dispozitie la telefon 0040758839883 sau email: adrian@mihailovici.ro


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